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3 Best Ways To Lose Stomach Fat

Expert Author Jon Allo

For some people who think that the best exercise to lose belly fat is to get on a treadmill and doing the same routine operation at all times . They also reduce their food intake and continue to add more time devoted to cardio machine . But they do not see results ? Why is that?

You will never see the results you want results to a continuous and repetitive cardio exercise program. The reason is that the only thing that burns fat in the body is muscle. You must create a greater muscle mass to burn that extra fat and undesirable .

Cardio exercise makes the body more efficient . This may sound good , but not help those who want to lose weight. Your body becomes used to work at a certain level and thus leveling you do not have to use more energy than necessary. The combination of this cardio workout and reduces food intake , your body thinks it is starving and therefore clings to every calorie you eat and stores outside to end the effects of famine.

So what are the best ways to lose belly fat ?

Weight resistance .

Lifting weights is not entirely without getting bigger muscles . This is why women are often reluctant to add resistance training to your workouts , and do not want to look bulky . To avoid big muscles , make a mixture of exercises that work the whole body. This way , you get all the muscles to burn body fat and expected results will be achieved much faster. Do not include resistance training in your workout. Remember, the best way to burn fat is to build muscle, because muscle burns more calories, even at rest.

Interval workouts .

Interval training is a set of high intensity exercise followed by low intensity exercise at different times . These periods of high and low activity of your body to function much more than if you had kept pace for a period of time. If you're on the treadmill, you can incorporate short bursts run faster on your jogging routine . If you're less fit, you can alternate leisurely walking with periods of faster walking . The exercise more vigorously , the more calories you burn is done, even if you increase intensity for a few minutes at a time.

Eat lots of good food.

By reducing your calorie intake significantly intact, your body thinks it has to hold on to every calorie consumed to stop hunger and possible damage . But as long as you eat the right types of food, there is no reason to deprive yourself of nutritious and healthy food when it comes to losing weight.

Keep away from food pre - processed and packaged foods . Processed foods are foods that have been altered from their natural state in order to prolong its life . Foods that come in a box , can , bag or box are processed. They are often of poor quality and have no nutritional value at all. Foods cooked or prepared with fresh and local ingredients are much healthier .

3 Veggies That Help to Burn Stomach Fat

Specific vegetables that actually help to stimulate the burning of stomach fat ? Sounds crazy ?

Well , check it out below and see why it is not so farfetched .

First, a fact that you may not realize is that there are certain chemicals in our food and environment, such as pesticides , herbicides, and petrochemicals that have an estrogenic effect in our body. This problem can increase belly fat in men and women , so pay attention .

These are called xenoestrogens , and exposure to these chemicals in our food supply , water supply and the environment is a factor that can actually stimulate your body to store belly fat . The problem is that in today's world, even if you eat organic and live in a relatively low-pollution area , it is almost impossible not to get at least some degree of daily exposure to xenoestrogens . They are even in household cleaners and cosmetics !

So how can you fight against these xenoestrogens so that you do not force the body to keep the belly fat?

Well, it is for these types of vehicles that show you can help.

There are many classes of vegetables , teas , spices, etc that have compounds which can help combat the effects of xenoestrogens . However, one of the most powerful classes are cruciferous vegetables like broccoli , kale , Brussels sprouts , cauliflower , cabbage, etc.

These types of cruciferous vegetables contain very unique compounds ( phytonutrients ) such as indole - 3-carbinol (I3C ) that can help to fight against the effects of xenoestrogens in your body, and therefore can help to burn abdominal fat more effective.

As if you needed another excuse to eat more broccoli and cauliflower ... Now you can add losing stomach fat to the list!

Now here's the cool thing ...

In this article , I'll show you my program that explains specific teas , spices, and other sources of these unique compounds that help to fight against xenoestrogens and help you burn belly fat faster and more efficiently .

Discover A Powerful And Gainful Fitness Marketing Approach

When you start to engage in a certain business, it's important to learn and to implement the fundamental steps needed to make it grow. Marketing is the significant key that makes every business loom. Without a doubt, it is the life blood of any business enterprise. Every business owner wants to have a flourishing business; however, not all know how to do and provide their businesses with proper business and marketing management. It will be rewarding when your endeavour has resulted to something beautiful. If you run a marketing campaign and it worked beautifully, then it will definitely give your business an edge. In order for you to generate high sales and revenue, you need to become competitive with concern to marketing your firm. You must let people recognise the services or products your business has to offer so that you will have more clients later on. Behind every successful health club there's a powerful and gainful fitness marketing approach used. In order to achieve your business goals, you need to attract many potential customers. Before you do this, you need first to ensure that you provide outstanding facilities and effective fitness programs.

No matter how effective your health programs are, they are useless if you don't know how to promote your gym and attract enough number of clients. You need to create unique and attractive ways in promoting your gym centre. It is advantageous to create awareness to the public regarding your personal gym. The interest of the people to go to a fitness centre must grow. To make it happen, you must take into account the necessary actions that could help you achieve a progressive business. Every campaign has its pros and cons; therefore, you need to weigh them before you decide to use them for your business development. In terms of advertising, you must exert a tremendous effort if you want to achieve a consistent and lucrative business.

Gym instructors must possess positive attitudes to make the clients feel that they are being valued. To keep them coming back in your gym, you must provide them with worthwhile and enjoyable training lessons. You need to motivate them in a good way so that they will get the right satisfaction and they will introduce your centre to their friends and other people. This is a great way to harness your business' potential.

In fitness center marketing, you must understand its importance so that you will be able to do it in a perfect way. Get to know all the pros and cons of it right from the outset if you want to obtain a guaranteed result. Advertising your business online is certainly the most effective and fastest way to make it become popular.

The author writes about fitness marketing. Visit his website to find out more about this topic.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Evie_M_Barraclough

The Secret to Physical Exercise and Training

Everything thing I have and everything I am as a person has come from my passion for sports and for training.

I am a ridiculously happy person. I love life and I get excited about the unlimited opportunities we have in this age.

I am blessed with my job. I don't have clients like most trainers. I have a family of people that I teach my passion to. They are wonderful people and as such I want to do everything in my power to help them achieve their goals and to do it as quickly as possible. There is a special energy in the air when a group of people work hard together for a common goal. The goal of self improvement.

After completing a tough session I am on a high. I know that no matter what else happens that day - I am a better person. I am stronger or faster or healthier etc

That is a win in any language!

So what will training do for you?

After training seriously for 20 years I can tell you one thing for sure. I believe with all my heart that there is a secret that many people don't know. Or that do know and have long forgotten.

That is the relationship between happiness, confidence and positivity and this amazing process called Physical Exercise.

Put the benefits physical exercise has on your health, metabolism and appearance aside. Physical exercise without a doubt will make you a Happier person. It will make you a more confident person and it will make you more positive!

Think about it for a minute. How hard do you work and how much money do you spend on trying to be happy, confident and positive. It is pretty much our life mission. Naturally we strive to be happy.

Please trust me. All these amazing benefits come from physical exercise! Don't believe me? I challenge you to join a group exercise program with nice people, train for three weeks and tell me I'm wrong. Give it a try and I will guarantee you will believe it was worth it.

Every week I train groups of people together. I have met so many different personality types, different people with different careers, backgrounds and families. All of them... and I mean all of them that have trained for more than four weeks have changed dramatically. They hold themselves differently now, they look at the same world but through different eyes. They naturally now focus on the positive occurrences in their lives and have more energy to chase their dreams. It is obvious - they have discovered the secret relationship between physical exercise and feeling amazing!

Use your courage, take the challenge and start to love life even more!

Cameron is the owner and Head Trainer of Pro Train Fitness in Darlinghurst Sydney. Cameron's mission in life is to convert anyone who doesn't love exercise into an individual who is passionate about sport and fitness. He utilises his unique Indoor Bootcamps and energy to assist people in losing fat and building muscle. Most importantly he ensures you have a fantastic time training. If you want to change your life give Cam a call on 0405 925 500 or check out the protrainfitness website at http://www.protrainfitness.com.au

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cameron_J_Smith

Top 9 Efficacious Weight Loss Supplements

Impact of Weight Gain on Our Health

Weight gain or increased body weight can be a result of many reasons, such as increasing fat deposits, muscle mass or intake of surplus fluids such as water. This condition is termed as obesity, which can pose many health problems, some of which can be potentially life threatening. According to a research, chances of an overweight person of dying early are twice as compared to a person with normal weight.

Increased Risk of High Blood Pressure

Obesity can cause high blood pressure among individuals. The chances of an obese person getting high blood pressure are twofold as compared to a healthy person with normal weight.

Risk of Stroke

Formation of blood clots in arteries can cause strokes. These blood clots are formed due to constant high blood pressure, insufficient amount of exercise and high cholesterol, which are all associated with obesity. Hence, increased weight can also increase the risk of stroke.

Heart Disease

Obesity can lead to various heart related problems, such as congestive heart failure, chest pains and unexpected cardiac death.


Excessive weight gain can also be a reason for different forms of cancers, such as breast, gall bladder, prostrate, kidney, colon and endometrial cancer.


Even slight gain in weight can shoot up the risk level of a person becoming diabetic. Obesity especially increases the risk of type 2 diabetes in an individual.

Diseases Related to Gall Bladder

People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from gall bladder related diseases than those with a balanced weight.

Respiratory Problems

Major respiratory problems due to obesity consist of hyperventilation syndrome, severe bronchitis, asthma, and respiratory deficiency.

Problems during Pregnancy

Obesity can lead to problems among expecting mothers and infants. It can lead to birth defects in babies and an increased risk of high blood pressure in mothers.


Every single pound a person gains increases the risk of arthritis and other muscular-skeletal diseases.

Social and Emotional Problems

According to research, obesity can cause psychological problems among people. Obese people may often feel depressed, under confident and in depths of despair.

Thanks to medical science and technology, obesity can be treated. There are many modern ways that involve medication, specially designed workout routines and even surgeries that can help you get rid of extra fat in your body. One such extremely popular method is weight loss supplements.

Weight Loss Supplements - Do they work?

Weight loss supplements along with a healthy diet plan and regular physical exercise can help you shed a considerable amount of weight. The supplements support weigh loss through;
Decreasing your appetite
Increasing the rate of metabolism
Blocking the absorption of fat in body

Even though losing weight through supplements is a slow process, but it enhances your psychological and physical health and lifestyle tremendously. Some supplements might have serious side effects; therefore, you should get a doctor to prescribe the one which best suits you.

Top 9 Weight Loss Supplements


According to various studies, lipozene is a supplement that helps a person reduce weight and burn body fat. It is said to have all natural ingredients present in it. If consumed before food, lipozene helps a person feel full quicker, while reducing the appetite.


Lipozene consists of Glucomannan, which lowers your appetite and helps you feel full for a longer period of time

How it Works?

Glucomannan present in lipozene forms a dietary fiber gel in your stomach that takes away your appetite and makes you feel full. It reduces your food and calorie intake while adding fiber to your diet. Glucomannan upon coming in contact with water increases in size, which enlarges the stomach, therefore telling your brain that you are stomach is full.

Price: A unit costs about $29.95

African Mango


African mango consists of;
Irvingia Gabonensis
Green Tea Extract
Acai Berry Extract
White Kidney Bean Extract
L- Carnitine
Cissus quandrangularis
These ingredients mentioned above help a person
Reduce cholesterol levels
Increase levels of energy in a body
Shed weight
Fight fatigue
Reduce blood sugar level
Increase metabolism
Increase fat oxidation
Increase the cholesterol that is benefits us, known as HDL.

How it Works?

African Mango enhances the leptin sensitivity in your body. Leptin is a hormone that lessens the amount of hunger signals coming from the brain, which leads to a controlled food intake.

Price: A units costs about $39.95

Garcinia Cambogia Extract


Garcinia Cambogia Extract contains
HCA (Naturally occurring Hydroxycitric Acid)

How it Works?

Hydroxycitric acid found in Garcinia Cambogia helps you lose weight by blocking fat production and storage, reducing stress levels, enhancing our mood, keeping us full for longer, controlling food cravings and reducing emotional eating.

Price: A unit costs about $29.60

Plexus Slim

Polydextrose, a soluble fiber, is calorie free and helps weight loss
Citric Acid
Beet root
Grape skin extract consists of phytonutrients, such as proanthocyanidins, which act as antioxidants
Lo Han Extract
Stevia, a sweetener, added to various low calorie foods
Natural flavors

How it Works?

Plexus slim is quite safe and effective for weight control. It helps regulate blood sugars, maintain a healthy blood pressure and blood sugar level. Plexus slim also increases lipid levels and beneficial cholesterol in your body.

Price: A unit costs approxiamately $84.95

Hydroxycut Max

Ingredients and How They Assist in Weight Loss?

Hydroxycut Max consists of ingredients, such as amino acids like L-threonine, L-alanine, L-isoleucine and L-serine, caffeine and herbs consisting of wild olive leaves, lady mantle leaves and wild mint leaves. Caffeine boosts metabolism while amino acids help maintain muscles and is vital for protein production.

Price: Ranges between &24.94 and $29.00


Ingredients and How They Work?

Avesil consists of green tea extract, super citrimax, caffeine and chromium. These ingredients work together to boost the body's fat burning process while releasing stored fat, reducing appetite and increasing energy. Other ingredients are Calcium and Potassium, which are vital to help the body function more effectively.

Price: $89.95 per bottle


Ingredients and how it Works?

Dietrine contains;
An exclusive natural ingredient known as Phase 2. Extracted from white kidney beans, it allows carbs to pass through the body with fewer intakes of calories. It assists in neutralizing the effect of the digestive enzyme - alpha amylase - before it can breakdown starch into glucose and fats. Dietrine allows body to cut off surplus calories instead of absorbing them
Chromium maintains blood sugar level and is a fat carrier. It helps promote the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins & fats through insulin. Chromium also improves heart health and regulates blood sugar levels.
Vanadium is vital for cellular metabolism and creation of bones and teeth. It restrains cholesterol production and assists in growth and reproduction roles of the body. It results in improved glucose tolerance through improved insulin utilization.

Price: One bottle costs $49.95 for a month's supply

Green Coffee Bean Max

Ingredients and how it Works?

GCB MAX is a safe weight loss supplement that is formed by natural ingredients and gives you visible results.
It helps in the improvement of body's metabolism and stabilizes the level of blood sugars.
One of its important ingredients is the extract of green coffee bean, a renowned element that is gradually becoming very effective in the field of weight loss.
GCB contains a high level of chlorogenic acid as compared to regular coffee beans that are roasted. Chlorogenic acid has a lot of health benefits e.g. weight loss, diabetes and heart problems.

Price: It costs $32.99 per bottle.


Ingredients and how it Works?

Phen375 is a safe weight loss supplement to use, which burns the fat quicker as compared to other supplements. It helps you reduce the food cravings. Ingredients involve;
Trimethyxanthin, which helps you lose weight while giving you a boost of energy.
L-Carnitine, burns the stored fat in your body and gives you an extra amount of energy.
Dimethlpentylamine hydrochloride - ingredient that speed up the metabolic rate in order to burn more fat.

Price: A units cost $26.25

Ezra Rogers is professional health writer who graduate of Brigham Young University. Ezra Rogers provide easy and effective ways on different topics link beauty, joint health, weight loss and many more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ezra_Rogers

Type 2 Diabetes - Exposing Popular Weight Loss And Diet Myths!

For every fact available related to dieting and weight loss, there seems to be a myth that also exists. If you have Type 2 diabetes, your health is already a challenge - if you believe the myths, it will only be harder. So here are a few myths you don't need to believe...

Myth: Skipping meals will help you lose weight.

Fact: If you skip meals, you can actually gain weight. This is because your metabolism slows down and makes you feel hungrier than normal. When you next eat, you'll most likely eat more than you should and so the calorie count increases substantially.

Breakfast is the worst meal to skip because it jump-starts your metabolism. If you eat a healthy breakfast, you'll be less likely to overeat during the day. Your nervous system and brain need sugar for energy so it can function properly. If you don't eat your meals, your body has to use stored carbs to fuel it.

Myth: Drinking a lot of water will help you lose weight quickly and easily.

Fact: You do need to drink plenty of water to remain hydrated. 60% of your body is comprized of water and up to 75% of your muscles are water...
water can help you lose weight if you drink it instead of juices, soft drinks and alcohol. These drinks contain sugar in high amounts which are unhealthy.
water suppresses your appetite, helps your kidneys function efficiently and helps prevent constipation.

It also improves...
the tone of your muscles,
aids digestion,
helps if you feel depressed,
fights chronic fatigue and
defends against allergies.

Myth: Eliminate dairy products from your diet.

Fact: You need dairy in your diet. However, choose low-fat and non-fat options. Women especially need the calcium found in dairy products. Studies have shown if you take in sufficient calcium via food, you can lose weight.

Myth: Your willpower is the most valuable element in your weight loss journey.

Fact: You DO need strong willpower but you also need discipline and control. There are also many other factors that can influence your success including your...
overall health,
family situation and
whether you get the support from those around you.

Your lifestyle choices affect how successful you will be, as does the strength of outside influences. Your willpower isn't enough to ensure your success.

Myth: Because starches are fattening, you should limit your intake.

Fact: Many foods with high amounts of starch have low levels of calories and fat. Unfortunately, people tend to add high-fat foods - such as butter, mayonnaise or sour cream, which increases the starch levels. Foods high in starch are complex carbs so they take longer to digest and keep you full for longer. They give your body energy as well.

Never believe myths without checking them out for yourself. Regardless of if you have Type 2 diabetes, another serious disease or illness, or are perfectly healthy, you must watch what you eat or your health can be affected.

Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. By making simple changes to your daily routine, its possible to protect your heart, kidneys, eyes and limbs from the damage often caused by high blood sugar levels, and eliminate many of the complications you may already experience.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Beverleigh_H_Piepers

Guide to Cost Effective Weight Loss Program

Weight loss and management should be planned carefully. It may not be proper to engage in sporadic workouts or impromptu diets. Keep in mind that your body responds better to gradual variations in food and physical training. However, maintaining wholesome weight can be quite difficult. Likewise, the usual diets may not be effective for the long-term or it is not advisable opt for food that lack the necessary vitamins and nourishment. What then is the best option for people determined to get rid of the extra pounds?

Food is the main source of energy for people. At the same time, your body stores surplus energy as adipose tissue. In other words, a person gains weight by eating more than what the body requires for maintenance of cells and everyday activities. Hence, the body needs to exhaust stored fats to shake off weight. You need to minimize intake of calories and be more physically active.

Bring in these changes slowly but surely. Think of losing weight in terms of altering your eating patterns. Targets in weight loss are usually fixed weekly but the main goal is to keep up said changes within the next few months or years. It may also mean a gradual change of lifestyle. The person who intensifies exercises and sustain calorie ingestion and diet will definitely be successful in losing weight.

You can walk for 20 minutes daily if you are not inclined to work out at the gym. You can burn calories and excess fat by exercising regularly. There are numerous activities to choose from such as swimming, jogging, engaging in team sports or attending aerobics sessions. Look for something that you will love to do and does not cost too much. Make sure that this activity will be taken in by your body systems and fit into your busy schedules. There are also simple things that you can do such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator going on longer walks during the weekend.

You have to change regular food intake if you are obese. Keep in mind that you cannot reduce fats if you eat a lot of sweets. The key is not to avoid delicacies such as cakes or ice cream but to consume these foodstuffs in limited quantities. Or, be more austere by eating less and opting for healthy meals instead of snacks and carbohydrates. Crash diets are not practical because these will only make you weak. There is no shortcut to eliminating weight. Do it the logical and cost-effective way.

If you are looking for an effective and healthy weight loss program such as coeliac diet plan, just click on the link. Or you can head over to Inspired Wellbeing's website at https://www.inspiredwellbeing.com/ for more healthy products.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anne_Del_Rio

I've Got MY Whole Life Riding on This "Paleo Diet"

I was amazed at what I found when I read a recent scientific study. The very "Target" of study was the Paleo Diet. The results entail a barrage of Health benefits. Many benefits are of a growing need. Health Benefits such as, improved blood pressure, (which applied to me) at one time I was 190/100, SCARY! Combine that with a Cholesterol Score around 175. My Life hung in a very unpredictable balance.

Needless to say I have family who could gain from a healthy drop in natural insulin secretion, as well as an increase of insulin sensitivity.

And who doesn't want to lower body fat and have Clearer Skin?

So the question becomes, "How can the Paleo Diet directly benefit me"? Aside from eating whole foods high in fiber, low in salt what else is in it for me?

This is a look through the lens from the outside in to understand the mechanics of eating paleo, from a consumer point of view.

Suddenly the answer hit me like a sack of jackfruit. "Maybe I've found the solvent to my own personal Hypertension, and Cholesterol concerns". Have I hit the bulls-eye, or am I missing something?

I am not an expert Paleo Dietician. I am a social media user whom respects Paleo Practices. So what we have here is the sum of what my growing resources and studies are allowing me to display for you at this time. My goal is to help curious onlookers to get valid information from the right places.

Being an avid cyclist, I need lean proteins, natural sugars, fats starches and carbs in a certain Ratio. And the organic nature of hunter diet gatherer makes this nutrition so essential to my metabolism. Matter of fact, I find myself with leftover energy after I have tacked on the miles.

I am now in the habit of eating many small meals a say. So I hover around a diet of Tuna, Salmon, Halibut, Trout, Swordfish. Antibiotic free lean Steaks, Free Range Chicken, Lamb, Turkey and Eggs.

Through small changes in my eating habits suggested in the Paleo Cookbooks. I've been able to carve up some Body fat. Regulate my cholesterol. And Most importantly that Blood pressure number is now looking "Real" good due to some well made decisions.

So I know this could be the answer to a prayer for someone who was on the same road as I.

Find out more about Paleo Diet through Brandon K Clark @ http://www.getpaleobooks.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_K_Clark

How Do People Eat So Many Green Vegetables On The Medifast Diet?

I get a lot of emails from people who have concerns about complying with the Medifast lean and green meal. Basically, this is the main meal that you make each day which includes lean protein and vegetables. This sounds simple enough but some people get hung up on the specifics of it. And a common concern is eating all of those vegetables.

I heard from someone who said: "I am wondering how people fit in all of those greens on the Medifast lean and green meal. I will be honest. I do not like vegetables. I will not have any problem coming up with the lean protein part of the meal. But I am lost on that many vegetables. How do people do it?" I will address these concerns below.

You Are Only Looking At Three Small Servings Of A Wide Variety Of Vegetables: Many people have the perception that the vegetables that they chose must be green. They truly don't. Yes, some of the non green vegetables have more starch so you want to use those a little more sparingly. But there are countless vegetables that are fair game and many of them are downright tasty. Basically, you get a larger serving (1 cup) of green vegetables and a smaller serving (1/2 cup) of vegetables that are less green.

I understand not liking vegetables. I was not a big fan either. But honestly, if you are going to embrace a healthier lifestyle with the intention of keeping the weight off, then you need to look at them a little differently. They are necessary for good health and for maintaining a healthy weight and when prepared correctly, they are delicious.

Here's some suggestions. I personally adore red peppers. I actually prefer them raw. But they are also wonderful in a simple stir fry of onions, mushrooms and peppers. (I also love this combination in an omelet with eggs being my protein for that meal.) Also, you can buy this or other similar combinations frozen if you want so that all you have to do is heat them up.

Another possibility is a simple salad of lettuce, cucumbers and carrots or broccoli. (And if you are in a hurry can you add some lean chicken and have a salad as your meal. I also know that many people buy these from a store or drive through restaurant as long as you are careful with the dressing.) Steamed vegetables can also be a wonderful way to quickly get a lot of vegetables. Think about peas with cauliflower and asparagus. I even know of people having simple tomato soup with some leftover vegetables thrown in. Speaking of tomatoes, sliced juicy tomatoes with basil is absolutely delicious.

I know that many people assume that vegetables are very bland. But there are a couple of things that you can do to counter this. You don't want to over cook or over steam them. I eat them raw quite often for this reason. You don't want for them to be limp. Instead, they taste better crisp in my opinion. I also use seasonings. I know a lot of people like fresh herbs but I really like Cajun seasonings or hot sauce on mine. Some people use lemon juice. As long as you aren't adding sugar, fat, or carbs, experiment and see what tastes good to you.

The whole idea is for this to be very flexible so that you can learn to make lot of choices that give you a lot of variety. You don't want to force yourself to eat something you aren't going to like because then you aren't likely to continue it. And the whole idea is cultivating a healthier lifestyle that you can maintain once the weight is lost.

Want more tips for saving money with medifast? Lindsey is the author of the free ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast," which includes coupons and discounts, a list of all of the food options (including the shakes,) detailed information about the diet and how it works, it's pros and cons, having success on it, and recipes for it. To get a free copy (immediate download/no information required), click here. You can also visit her diet review website to read it at http://easiest-diet.com/free-medifast-ebook/html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lindsey_Price

How to Lose Weight Fast Without Working Out

Working out is probably one of the best ways to lose weight. However, not everyone has the energy to work out. If you are working long, strenuous days it is hard to go to the gym when all you want to do is sit on the couch eating a pint of ice cream thinking about how much money you would win if you replaced one of the idiots on Wheel of Fortune. If you are wondering, "How can I lose weight fast?" you may not need to work out initially. Simply cleaning up your diet can help you lose weight fast, and lose weight easy.

If you need to lose weight, the first tip I have is by far the most important: drink your water. Staying hydrated keeps you energized and healthy. One of my favorite tips when it comes to weight loss is "Don't drink your calories". Two big enemies of dieting are Soda, and Alcohol. Both consist of empty calories that should be avoided. Let's say you consume 3 bottles of cola on a certain day. That is around 550 empty calories, which could be put to better use. Try it for yourself. Pick a day where you consume food and drinks as you normally would, and at the end of the day find out and record how many calories came from liquids alone. The results may surprise you.

The next tip is to keep track of your calories and other nutritional content every day. If you are wondering "How can I lose weight fast?", this is very important. First off, find out how many calories a day you need to meet your goals. There are different formulas to do this, but the most accurate way is to use a BMR calculator online. Typically a person puts in their age, height, weight, and estimated daily activity level. From here, a person then knows how many calories a day to lose weight, maintain weight, and gain weight. So find your number and stick to it. Keep track of everything and make sure you don't go over your desired caloric intake.

Well since we are drinking a lot of water and know how many calories a day we need to eat, lets decide what to eat. The most important thing here when answering how can I lose weight fast is to eat foods that give you the most bang for your buck. Let's compare for example, chicken breast and peanut butter. Both of these foods are great options, but there is a difference here. A chicken breast, depending on size, will normally have anywhere from 110 calories to 200 calories. Peanut butter, however, usually has 200 calories for 2 tablespoons. Both of these foods are healthy and good options, but in this situation it most likely would be better to go with the chicken breast. Why? You will be much more satisfied and stay full longer if you decide to eat the chicken because you are consuming fewer calories and yet more food as well. This is why eating healthy is important when dieting because, among other things, you can normally reach your caloric goals and be full at the same time. Let's say you have pizza for lunch. You dig in, loving every bite, until you realized you just ate a lot of calories. Here it is, 1 pm and you can only eat 400 more calories for the rest of the day. Your eyes fill with tears. You start to yell expletives at the pizza, wondering why it would betray you like that. So you can either starve yourself, or eat normally and eat more calories, and thus, gain weight. Sounds like a lose-lose to me.

Eat healthy, drink your water, and count your calories. Following these basic steps will transform you into a healthier person, and will help you answer the question, "How can I lose weight fast?".

Finally, if you would like to learn more about losing weight, visit http://www.howcaniloseweightfast.org

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Benoit_L._Webb

Are Carbs Good or Bad for Fat Loss?

Hey everybody Jeff here again, it has been a late start to the day for me today but I wanted to get this out before I head to the gym and get in a little workout. I will probably do some foam rolling, movement prep, heavy farmer carries and a few intervals on the bike to spare the shoulder any harm. I have been recovering from a chronic shoulder injury and things are really starting to come together with that!

I hope your training is strong right now, and I hope you are doing well with your diet. Remember, it is not about being perfect with your diet, but consistent and always seeking improvements in a given area. And, if you are at rock bottom with your health & fitness do not let that discourage you either, remember a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Today I want to discuss the question are carbs are good or bad for fat loss? We have all heard it, "carbs are good", "carbs are bad"; "avoid carbs like the plague", "get your carbs or you will die". Well, I may have not heard that last one yet, but I wanted to add it in for a somewhat dramatic effect.

For the sake of today I am going to approach this as realistically as possible. That realism leads me to the position of the "IT DEPENDS" camp. I know many people hate that middle of the road or on the fence answer and approach, but there are so many variables when it comes to knowing if carbs are good or bad for fat loss.

But, there are several factors that must be considered.

- Age

- Activity level (sedentary, active, very active)

- Exercise Intensity (low intensity, moderate intensity, high intensity)

- Exercise Frequency (1,2,3,4,5 x weekly)

- Health situation (poor health, good health)

- Weight (over weight, obese, skinny)

Here is some of what we do know.

Carbs are great for energy and providing that glucose connection that helps you power through a workout. This glucose that provides the energy for your workout can also, apparently, be produced in a less efficient but still effective manner, from the consumption of certain fats in a low carb style of diet. This would allow for good workouts and efficient energy management daily but must be weighed and considered with those same variables mentioned above.

However, if that is the case, then one (myself included) could definitely consider omitting or reducing carbohydrate intake, increasing healthy fats consumption and see how your body responds over the course of a week or two. You would still have glucose for energy, insulin would remain stable and you may even be able to burn more fat in this type of situation.

And there are multiple other studies showing low carb vs low-fat diets where weight loss is about the same after 6 & 12 months but fat loss is superior in the low carb groups.

Hold your horses here, you may be thinking I was advocating for a middle of the road approach here and not sure which way to go when it comes to a low carb diet and its effect on fat loss. All I wanted to do here and above is mention some of the research material I have come across and been presented with.

Does that mean, I go low carb all the time? No.

Does that mean I recommend all my clients go low carb all the time? No.

Does that mean I have some good evidence to support my rational for experimenting with a low carb approach? Yes!

On a side note, I even encourage everybody to try multiple types of diets that include vegan, low carb, high carb, low fat, ketogenic, paleo/primitive, and many more that I can not think of at the moment.


1. Every diet does not work for everybody!

2. No diet works forever!

In closing, I would like you to think about a few things and consider tweaking your approach on carbs.

Try out a low carb approach. I have done it, felt great, melted fat off the body and still had energy for workouts. Give it a little time and see how your body responds. This will be especially beneficial if you have a more sedentary lifestyle.

After a month or so if you have not had a pleasant experience with it then you will know that it is not for you. If you are very active and exercising intensely, do not forget to slam some carbs in your post workout window. Your body will demand it, and if you do not reward it after a tough workout your recovery, health and longevity will be compromised.

I hope that this does not add to the confusion on carbs and whether or not they help with fat loss. If it did, then please post some questions below on the comment section and we can get the discussion going. What are your thoughts and experience on the low carb approach? How do you feel about carbs? Let me know!


Jeff Hazzard

To find out more about the new rules of fitness and reach your full fat loss potential, check out http://www.jeffhazzardfitness.com/

See how and why working out does not have to be a stressful, boring, and time wasting experience for you ever again.

Discover the secrets to exercise & fat loss...
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_S_Hazzard

The 2 Best Exercises to Lose Love Handles Fast and Get Six Pack Abs

In order to lose love handles fast, lose stubborn belly fat, and get six pack abs, it comes down to some very easy steps that you should follow to yield the results you want. Take a couple of minutes out of your day to read this article and learn more.

In order to lose love handles fast, and get six pack abs, understand that your body must be at around 10% body fat. Here is how you'll get to that goal:

A. Avoid simple carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, white rice, etc.), and eat complex carbohydrates (whole grains, etc.)

B. Eat less saturated fats and eat more foods containing healthy fats (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated).

C. Increase your protein intake to help preserve muscle mass. Doing so will cause your body to automatically get rid of stubborn fat. This will obviously have you lose love handles fast since that area of your body, including the belly, is where you'll find stubborn fat.

Now, the following are the 2 best exercises to lose love handles fast and get six pack abs

#1. Do high intensity cardiovascular training three to four times a week at thirty minutes per session. Doing so should cause your body to go into an automatic fat burning zone meaning that you'll burn fat at a much more accelerated rate. This is because your body will burn stored fat instead of burning off carbs that you've eaten.

#2. Make sure you build lean muscle (ladies, do not worry about getting big...YOU WON'T GET BIG...trust me), and make sure to work each muscle hard but do not over train. Building lean muscle will allow your body to burn off fat much more effectively. This is because having muscle burns a ton more calories than not. Simple logic will tell you that the more muscle you have than fat, the more fat you'll burn.

Follow those steps above, and get yourself a solid customized diet plan and you'll lose love handles fast, and get six pack abs!

Are you you ready to get 6 pack abs and lose love handles fast? I recommend for you to take a look at this powerful belly fat diet here. This program is customized to fit your EXACT body type and weight, plus this program is not your typical "low calorie", "no carb", "don't eat anything all day" type of fad diet.

I wish you the best of success in getting yourself in better health and getting yourself those much desired six pack abs! Good Luck!

Avy Barnes is a long time health and fitness enthusiast. Being someone who once struggled in weight loss, muscle building, and overall health improvement, you will be able to connect more to all the information he provides through articles right here on EzineArticles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes

Using Probiotics to Prevent Upset Stomachs

We recently took a holiday to Bali, a regular tropical sun escape for those of us in Western Australia. Luckily we didn't fall victim to the all too common 'Bali belly' during or after our stay.

I say luckily, but in reality we carefully prepared our natural health supplement regime both before, during and after our trip.

First, and in our opinion, an essential supplement on our list, was the yeast culture Saccharomyces boulardi (SB), which we began twice daily five days before our holiday and continued during. SB discourages the growth and popularisation of harmful bacteria in the intestines while supporting the friendly bacteria. Therefore it's very useful in the prevention of traveller's diarrhoea and other associated symptoms, which can ruin a fun holiday!

In conjunction with SB we also chose a heat stable, wide spectrum probiotic (we take these on a daily basis anyway), in order to boost our beneficial gut bacteria.

Breakfast Bali

Before meals we occasionally took a vegetable enzyme formula in order to boost our digestive process.

Together these supplements supported our gut bacteria integrity and gave our systems enough of a boost to fight off a dose of traveller based gastroenteritis (thank goodness!). In all seriousness, this protection aids us, not only on the trip, but in the continuing time afterwards, as travellers diarrhoea can have long lasting effects on our digestive health and immune systems.

Other than supplements, we also followed sensible traveller tips during our stay. We were careful to only consume filtered water, even whilst brushing our teeth, as un-purified water is common source of pathogenic bacteria for travellers. As recommended by travel guides, we did not worry unnecessarily about ice in drinks because in Bali the government controls the use of purified water for ice.

Speaking of drinks, we have to say that Bali is one of the best places we have found for blended fresh fruit juices and we certainly consumed our fair share. A favourite of ours was the VB boost, a blended mixture of fresh coconut water, strawberries and banana. Also top of the list was a blended mix juice which was generally papaya, pineapple, melon and whichever other fruits were in season and abundant (i.e. lots in Bali's tropical climate!).

Whilst we were careful to chose good quality restaurants and cafés, this did not stop us enjoying some of the beautiful fresh food Bali has to offer. Of note was the healthy breakfast at Prana spa restaurant; sliced avocado on whole meal toast followed by homemade Bircher muesli and fresh fruit salad and the wide selection of dishes served at 'vegetarian paradise' Zula. It was great to be able to enjoy many healthy meals while away as this is not always easy when travelling.

Although we were able to enjoy good health during this holiday we also took precautions in case we did fall sick. In our luggage we had a supply or rehydration formula and anti diarrhoea capsules. Activated charcoal would have also been utilised to help a distressed intestinal system. We would not have taken any unnecessary risks with our health and would have seen a doctor or pharmacist if symptoms persisted as sometimes antibiotics are essential for certain strains of pathogenic bacteria.

If you have any questions regarding holiday health please contact us.

Hi, we are passionate about being healthy and have been doing so for over 10 years now. It is hard to start with, but we can show you how we did it and hopefully help.

Check us out at http://www.superkalefantastic.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Craig_Lee

Green Coffee Bean Extract and Its Importance

The extract is full of anti-oxidants similar to those in green tea and grape seeds. Green coffee extract contains polyphenols, which act as body radical reduction agents. It also contains chlorogenic acid, also used to absorb the radicals in the body. These radicals are the common known causes of cancer. Correct extraction of this extract ensures that all the acid components are obtained. However, roasting of the beans leads to loss of these acidic components.

Green beans extract is gaining popularity among many people due to its countless benefits in the human body. Among the most common advantage is weight reduction. Weight issues affect a large population, thus, this extract proving to be of great importance to them.

The main benefits that it offers include:

· Weight reduction

Many people especially in urban areas are obese. This is because of the type of food that the take. Again, after consuming that junk food they do not participate in active work resulting to fats accumulation in their bodies. This makes them to suffer from cardiovascular and hypertension. If action is not urgently taken, these diseases result to death. They should therefore use the extract, which is very cheap and requires no medical prescription. The chlorogenic acid helps in absorption of fat along with glucose release in the blood thus resulting to weight reduction.

· Treatment Cost saving

It eliminates cardiovascular and hypertension diseases, which are expensive to treat thus saving the individual a great amount of money. The money, which could have been used for treatment, is therefore used for other productive activities hence economic growth.

For green bean extract to provide the above named benefits, they must be harvested and preserved in the most effective way. Good preservation ensures that all its important components are obtained. After harvesting, the beans should not be exposed to extreme temperatures as this gives room for development of bacterias and molds. They are thereafter stored in cold, dry, and dark environment to increase their lifetime. Good preservation ensures that they have good taste even after grounding, roasting or brewing.

The following steps should be followed to ensure good preservation of the beans:

1. After harvesting, pour the green beans in a clean dry brown paper bag.

2. After the paper is full, seal its top by folding it twice and crimping it.

3. Place the bag on the shelf in a cool place, dark and dry with less fluctuation.

4. Roast the beans for a period of three years. This is to prevent them from tasting like the paper bag they are put.

We provide the best info about green bean coffee. For further details please visit the provided link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sila_Rodney

Healthy Diets That Will Keep Your Body Fit

It is many people's desire to be fit and be able to do things that they cannot with their current body status. One of such things is the dress code. This case is more prevalent in the ladies as compared to gentlemen. There are other reasons though that make people desire good-looking bodies. To have a fine body, it takes more than just the occasional thought of wallowing in your imagination about the things you can do with a fit body. It is a personal choice and to achieve it. You must work for it at whatever cost. One of the ways of working towards getting a fit body, apart from adding personal training and fitness classes in your to-do list or resolutions, is changing the manner in which you handle your diet. Here are some guidelines to lend you a helpful hand:

· Right healthy foods

Breakfast is considered the most essential meal of the day. However, this does not mean you stuff your body with high carbohydrates food just because you are starting you day and your body craves fresh energy. Balance things out by chopping off some foods that have high content of fats and carbohydrates. Watch out on the kind of fruits you take as well as some of them lead to weight increase. Fruits such as bananas, strawberries, grapes and other starch fruits can be substituted by fruits such as papaya or mangoes. You can take fruits at intervals to keep your body running that is at breakfast, lunch or evening.

· Keep your body energized

The body needs energy to function. Even the process of digestion requires some bit of energy from your body. Digestion is an essential process in the body as it helps in breaking down food into components that are absorbable into the body. In that regard, you are not supposed to skip your meals to cut down on your weight. You will only worsen it. The best way is to ensure that you constantly feed your body with foods that have the five vital nutrients for the body, which are carbohydrate, vitamins, proteins, minerals, fats and oils in a balanced way.

· Trash junk

Trashing junk from your diet table is quite a task for many people as they are used to them. Although they require little preparation as most of them are more often than not ready-made, everyone who thinks has no time to make healthy meals because there is junk food easily available, will have to trash it from their diet plan or tables. They can replace it with foods with lower levels of fats and carbohydrates if they want a fit body.

We provide the best info about personal training and fitness classes. For further details please visit the provided link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mkamba_M_Juke

Can Water Therapy Control Feelings Of Panic And Anxiety?

Our ancestors kept telling us that we become what we eat; and highlighted the importance of the connection food has over the way we think which ultimately leads to the actions we take. Our diet is extremely important to our happiness as well as to the way we think, to the way we love one another, and so on. In the case of depression and anxiety, there are known and proven diets that can curb high levels of anxiety and depression without the need for any medication.

The role of water against anxiety

Water is priceless. Herbal medicine practitioners advise using water regularly to effectively treat anxiety attacks as well as other anxiety disorders. The very basics of this simple treatment of water is that all of the hormones need to be boosted to work at a peak level; and in order for that to happen, the body needs to have plenty of water. It seems that feelings such as anxiety, fear and restlessness, can be reduced through water in a matter of just a few days.

The reason why water is so crucial in the treatment of anxiety is that dehydration is an important factor in aggravating feelings of anxiety. Keeping the body hydrated doesn't just work wonders against anxiety symptoms though, it combats a great number of diseases as well. The fact that water plays a very important role in combating high anxiety, is proved by the syndrome known as the 'hangover depression' syndrome.

This type of high anxiety is directly caused by alcohol-induced dehydration. As soon as the body gets re-hydrated, the normality of the feelings become restored. In order to keep the water in the body balanced at an optimum level, you must drink six to eight glasses of water at the minimum - if you can drink more even better, but definitely not less.

The proper water balance in the body will chase off the increased feelings of anxiety gradually. Another advantage of drinking a lot of water is that water also helps to build up your stamina. Water removes the acidity caused by the foods that you've been consuming. By doing so it assures that your stress levels stay very low, and in turn doesn't allow uncomfortable anxiety attacks to occur as regularly.

In order to control your anxiety you have to try water therapy. However, ensure that if you go over the regular six to eight glasses, you have your doctor's permission and that you eat a well balanced diet from all the food groups as well. Wait, I lied... don't worry about getting permission from your doctor, but do eat a well balanced diet. Cheers!

http://www.endtheanxietyprogram.com "You don't have to love your anxiety. You just have to permit it." I'll show you how you can easily move through your anxiety, and begin focusing on what's truly important in your life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_A_Simsek

Best Exercising Tips for Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, you want to focus more on the best exercises that give the optimum benefits. The exercises also need to be exciting so you don't feel like you're overworking yourself which might reduce your motivation to lose weight. The key is to find something you like. It does not have to be intensive like aerobics or running. Try jogging or even walking. Whatever you choose, make sure it's not boring. Otherwise, you'll run out of energy in not time. Below are points to keep in mind when exercising.
Increase your cardio intensity

Increasing your cardio intensity burns calories like fuel. High intensity interval training is the best exercise method you can use to lose weight. It can be applied in any sort of exercise whether rope jumping, swimming, running, cycling, walking or even aerobics. To do it, limit your training session to a maximum of 20 minutes varying your intensity as you go. Start the first 5 minutes with 65% intensity warm up, increase this to 90% for the next minute. Drop back to 65% for the next minute and go back up. Alternate like this till the 20 minutes are over. You will be able to burn more calories in this way.
Cross train for great results

Another method of avoiding monotony in your training is to cross train. This is when you switch back and forth between different forms of exercises in a single session. It not only adds fun to the party, it also increases the calories burnt due to the changes in intensity of the different styles of exercises. Just make sure to start with the most intensive exercise and work your way to the least intensive one.
Avoid spot reducing

Spot reducing refers to an exercise that targets a particular part of the body in the hopes that you'll reduce fat in that region. Most people focus on losing the stomach fat in order to get a flat stomach and will therefore do hundreds of crunches, squats and sit-ups hoping to get a flatter tummy.

The reason why spot reducing does not work is because it's only natural to lose weight fast in the places where you gained it last. That's just how it works. Simply do general exercises and lose weight all over the body. You can then do some strength training to tone up the parts from where the weight comes off. This builds lean muscles which are basically fuel that burns even more calories.

Do visit my site Lose Weight Fast to learn how to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cecilia_W_Karanja

Thinking About a 2014 New Year's Resolution To Lose Weight?

As surprising as it sounds, 2013 is already drawing to a rapid close which means the New Year will soon be upon us. If you have not had much success tackling the weight loss issue this past year but truly want to achieve this goal, then establishing a New Year's Resolution may be the answer to your prayers.

The reason why New Year's resolutions have the potential to be so effective is that at no other point during a calendar year are people self-motivated to accomplish a goal. With a new year starting out, many feel this is the perfect opportunity to accomplish something they desire to change or learn.

With New Year's resolutions generally starting on the 1st of January, it's easy to keep track of how much time has elapsed and keep track of the progress made. In other words regardless of what day or month you're in, it's simple to figure out how long you've stuck with your resolution.

One of the Most Popular New Year's Resolutions is to Lose Weight

As simple as it sounds to declare a New Year's resolution there is an unfortunate statistic tied hand in hand with this yearly tradition. According to Forbes, even though over 40% of Americans start the New Year with a resolution, only about 8% of them actually achieve their goal.

Let's look at the numbers to put this percentage into perspective. Rounding the U.S. population to 320 million reveals there will be approximately 128 million people that make a New Year's resolution this year. Unfortunately only about 8% of them, around 5 million, will actually achieve their resolution. In other words over 120 million Americans will fail to accomplish the goal they began at the onset of the new year.

It's plain to see that even though a large number of people start the new year wanting to achieve a goal, something goes wrong along the way.

If you are one of the millions that will set a New Year's resolution, forming an actual plan will help ensure you stick with your goal and are successful. Words are meaningless unless they are followed with some type of consistent action. If this resolution is truly important to you, it's imperative you decide what needs to be done so that you can be successful.

For instance, if your New Year's resolution is to lose weight and get in shape, there are certain things that must occur for you to have success with this. By forming a specific plan of action you will help ensure you don't end up one of the 128 million others who quit their resolution.

Since eating healthy and appropriate portion sizes are critical for weight loss, what will you cook/prepare each day of the week? This is where a daily/weekly menu will help keep you focused on healthy nutrition.

What will you do regularly for exercise 3-5 times per week? Decide on your activities and the times for your workouts and stick with it.

By answering these types of questions, you arm yourself with a specific plan of attack to help ensure you stick with what needs to be done in order to be successful. Whichever New Year's resolution you decide upon this year, know that your success will be determined by your actions. If this resolution is truly important to you, you'll do what needs to be done in order to reach your goal.

Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, an elementary school teacher for 13 years, now on a mission to develop a healthy life, lose weight, and finally get in shape. Follow his progress on http://healthychoicesinlife.com as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and healthy eating. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with FREE Healthy Eating Ebook just for stopping by at http://healthychoicesinlife.com/programs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_L_Gomez

Losing Fat, Not Muscle!

Losing weight can be tricky. One of the major hurdles to weight loss is to lose the fat, not the muscle. Crash diets can cause you to "waste" which means lose muscle mass, which is one the main reasons we do not generally recommend these type of diets. OK, so how do I go about ensuring that I am not losing excess muscle mass during my weight loss regimen? Well, here are some useful tips which could help you out along the way:

Get your proteins: Proteins are the building blocks of your muscles and are therefore very important to maintaining your body's muscle mass. A good sources of protein may include fish, dairy, egg whites, cottage cheese, beans, meat and poultry. If you can't get enough proteins in your diet, then you may have to seek out supplemental sources. Your daily recommended protein intake will vary based on age and sex. Infants only need 10 grams/day, adult women need 46 grams/day and adult men need 56 grams/day. Oh, and if you are pregnant or lactating then you need over 70 grams/day!

Avoid Crash Diets: These type of diets, which require severe calorie restrictions or cut an essential dietary element from your diet can stress your body out and are difficult to maintain. It's best to stay away from them altogether. Very Low Calorie Diets (VLCD) deprive your body of many essential food groups, particularly carbohydrates, which could adversely effect your metabolism. Research has shown that VLCD may directly or indirectly lead to gallstone formation. You can achieve similar results with other diets in just a little more time. Rebound rates are quite high with VLCD programs and many dieters regain their lost weight. To avoid regaining the weight, usually a regimen of dietary counseling and exercise regimen is recommended.

Get Your Exercise On: Inactivity leads to muscle loss, plain and simple. It is best to incorporate both cardiovascular and strength training exercises in order to best maintain your muscle mass. The strength training makes sure you increase your lean muscle mass. The cardiovascular aspect helps improve your heart function and promotes weight loss.

Eat and Live Healthy: Don't skip breakfast. Do not skip your regular meals. And drink plenty of water.

Get Some Rest - By this we mean not over-exercising, but more importantly getting enough sleep. In fact, if you can get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, your body will have more time to rebuild and repair your muscles.

Don't postpone your diet. Contact us at http://www.intrimma.com to get more information on healthy diets that fit your lifestyle and medical history Now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Martin_Bharat

How To Lose Weight Quickly - Calorie Controlled Diet

First, it would probably be a good idea to look at what increases our fat levels so that we can look at ways in which to reduce it. The easiest explanation is that we start putting on weight if our intake of calories are greater than the number of calories we burn off through some form of physical activity. Basically, an extra 3500 calories equate to about an extra pound of weight. That being the case, if you don't exercise and eat a lot, typically your weight will increase quite quickly. These extra calories get stored as fat and as we all know, it's fast to put on, but once it's on, it's slow to lose the weight again.

Then what's the solution? You could first figure out how many calories you need daily for your activity levels. Having done that, proceed to write the things you eat on a regular basis, specifying their nutritional value, and you will easily realise where you're drawing the additional calories from. In general, the daily intake that should not be exceeded is 2500 calories if you're male and 2000 if you're a female. Naturally, your specific needs will depend on your metabolic rate and exercise routine. If you use the calorie deficit technique, which means having less calories than you need for the day and adding on some exercise, it's impossible not to see results in a short time!

Food swaps are a good way to keep the number of calories you have under control. For example, order chicken without the skin! In addition, have a smaller amount of salad dressing and avoid sweetening your coffee too much! Being careful about the quantity and healthfulness of your meals will be your ticket to lose weight rapidly.

If you love eating, you'll love this tip even more! Eat more and still lose weight! Surely this can't work can it? The secret is having small portions. When eating in small quantities but eating more often, for example instead of the typical 3 big meals a day, have say 6 small meals and snacks throughout the day for this tip to work with benefit. This is due to the fact that the body's metabolism will be running at its most efficient state as well as a continuous supply of energy. But, having said that, remember that this will only work if these small meals or snacks you consume will be of a good portion size and it should be healthy! Complying with these rules, you should experience a fast weight reduction!

Exercise is essential if you want to drop the weight fast. Target ridding yourself of five hundred calories in one hour. If you swim, jog or get involved in cycling you'll manage to do that.

Bet you never thought you would be reading a suggestion to do some weight training to lose weight! Well, it works.

Your success with the tips proposed so far relies a lot on your determination. It's tough to give up the stuff you love and you're used to and replace it with constant physical activity! To assist you with resisting temptation, perhaps consider a weight loss pill to keep you going in the right direction. You need to research them thoroughly, since they could bring about various adverse effects. As long as you identify a safe one, taking it will prove very beneficial to your weight loss program.

Hoodia is an appetite suppressant and is widely popular. Since it helps you refrain from such habits, you will have only as much food as you need. Moreover, you will be unable to eat too much because it creates a sensation of satiety. To add to its benefits, some things in its composition will make you feel more energetic, therefore enabling you to burn fat faster by increasing your physical activity levels.

Alli is a different product that takes another approach in that when you eat, it discourages fat from being stored in the body, but simply passes it out of your body before it has an opportunity to be absorbed. In conjunction with a calorie controlled diet, Alli can actually help you lose an extra 50% more. This translates into one pound for every two you lose through diet and exercise. That's definitely worth considering for rapid weight loss!

So far, we have looked at a calorie controlled diet, the importance of exercise and the consideration of a weight loss pill as strategies to lose weight. If you require even faster results, you might want to consider the cabbage soup diet. To do this, you need to limit your food intake to a combination of cabbage soup and other specific aliments carefully systematized for a duration of one week. This should, however, be your last resort, since it is not very healthy. It does work fast though, and after the recommended timeframe you should get back to a regular eating regime.

Losing weight fast is usually a lot easier than you think with so many different options available to speed up the process.

Weight loss

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Blagovest_Georgiev

Health Benefits of Apples and Their Phytonutrients

In the united states and even most other industrialized countries, cancer and cardiovascular disease are the two main causes of death. The causes of which have both been linked to lifestyle choice - the most important being diet. Studies have estimated that about 30 percent of all cancers could be prevented by a healthy diet. Obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol are costing the US billions in health related expenses that could be reduced and avoided by influencing citizens to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Researchers examined over a hundred studies relating to cancer and diet; out of 156 studies 128 showed that vegetables and fruits had a protective effect against several different forms of cancer. Studies showed that people who consumed lower amounts vegetables and fruits were twice as likely to get cancer compared to people who consumed higher amounts of them.

Most of the protective benefits of vegetables and fruits has been found to lie in the phytonutrients. Compounds such as flavonoids, isoflavonoids, phoenolic acids, and carotenoids. In a Finnish study, flavonoid intake had been associated with an incidence of lower total mortality. One of the main sources of that study for dietary flavonoids that happened to show the strongest association with a lower mortality was apples.

Apples are a great source of antioxidants. In a comparison of commonly eaten fruits in the US, apples ranked second highest in terms of the level of antioxidants. Apples also had the highest portion of free phenoics in comparison to other fruits. Meaning that these compounds are not bound to others in the fruit and can therefore be more available for eventual absorption into the bloodstream.

Apples contain a variety of phytochemicals including catechin, phloridzin, quercetin, and cholorogenic acid. All of these phytochemicals are considered to be very strong antioxidants. The phytochemical composition of apples do vary between the different varieties of apples. While storage doesn't affect the phytochemicals of apples, processing them can affect them greatly.

The phytonutrients found in apples can actually help to regulate the blood sugar. Studies have shown that poyphenols in apples can even prevent spikes in blood sugar. Some of the flavonoids found in them, such as quercetin, can inhibit enzymes like alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase. Enzymes like these are what help to breakdown complex carbohydrates into simple sugars. Since your blood sugar has less simple sugars to deal with it helps to keep it at normal levels.

The polyphenols in apples have also been shown to reduce the absorption of glucose by the digestive tract. Likewise, they have been shown to increase the uptake of glucose via stimulation of insulin receptors from the blood. Additional research has shown that consuming apples helps to lower blood fat levels. However, if you want the full health benefits of apples you'll want to eat it in its whole food, raw form. It has also been reported that people who consume a whole apple have less hunger than those who have consumed apple sauce.

A diet that is high in fruits and vegetables should help to prevent oxidative stress due to the high amounts of antioxidants. Therefore these foods may help to slow the aging process and prevent chronic diseases. Based on these findings the National Research Council has recommended consuming five or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

To get more information on health, fitness, nutrition, and weight loss, visit Inspirational Health, Fitness and Nutrition.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_L_Blair

Late Night Eating Is a Prime Weight Loss and Fat Burning Enemy

Those who seek to lose weight and burn fat are plagued with bad diet habits that they have a very difficult time breaking away from, and one of the most common behaviors that contributes to excess body fat is late night eating, where the largest meal of the day is consumed in proximity to bedtime.

For many, a large late night meal is a symptom of emotional eating, a phenomena where food is used as a source of comfort. Because stress at work prompts many to seek out an enjoyable behavior to counteract negative feelings, a large, tasty late night meal becomes commonplace, and very difficult to disengage from. Despite the fact that habits which we happily partake in are especially difficult to modify, late night eating must be eliminated in order to produce noticeable and lasting weight loss results.

A properly designed natural weight loss diet plan will provide balanced meals with quantities that have a correlation with physical activity, and the time when food is least necessary to sustain bodily functions is at night, close to bedtime, which is unfortunately when most who struggle with excess body fat consume their largest meal. By doing so, energy from the meal lays dormant, and when relaxation follows, there is no reason for metabolism to burn fat.

How can such a trend be broken if late night eating amounts to a favorite pastime? Firstly, meals at other times of the day need to be altered so that the body receives nutrition when it's most necessary. This firstly involves another meal of the day that is skipped by many, breakfast, which needs to become a part of a regular diet schedule. While dinner is the most infamous meal for adding body fat and preventing weight loss, breakfast is the least damaging due to the physical and mental activity that normally follows (school, work, etc). So the very first step in reorganizing meals to fit a weight loss paradigm requires ensuring that every day begins with breakfast, one that centers around solid foods which fill the stomach and provide adequate energy to the body.

Lunch, another meal that is often taken for granted, is also important in curbing feelings of enormous hunger leading into dinner, so regardless of how busy one may be, consuming a midday meal is crucial, and helps to control appetite in the latter part of the day. Skipping either breakfast or lunch is a quick road to massive evening food cravings.

The most difficult component of eliminating evening large meals is the connection that many make between food and comfort, which compels them to continue such behavior in spite of its damaging impact on body fat levels. Breaking this chain of behavior will require a serious commitment to a natural weight loss diet plan that teaches how to utilize weight loss friendly foods in specific quantities. For those who find that their diet self control is very low in the evening hours, especially those who live alone or who are around someone that follows poor eating habits, cutting the last meal off at an earlier time of the day, with nothing consumed a few hours before bed, may be necessary to reduce the magnetic desire that can develop when diving into even moderate late night eating.

The Fat Vanish natural weight loss diet plan was written by Francesco Castano to provide an effective platform for anyone who wishes to lose weight without supplements, surgery or drugs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Francessco_Casstano

Choosing the Best Bodybuilding Supplements to Make Your Dream Body Come True

Humans are not exactly the most patient creatures around. We want what we want when we want it and we won't stop until we get it. This is especially true when it comes to what we think will make us look and feel good about ourselves. No exercise or diet regimen is too hard as long as we come out as close as possible to looking like our favorite Hollywood celebrity.

However, not all the methods that we go for are effective and some are even downright too risky for our health. Even if we do something that we consider exercise, it turns out to be something that isn't ideal for our fitness goals so we end up right at the beginning - hopelessly overweight and out of shape.

Which is why when you embark on a fitness program, it is very important that we consult a health or fitness professional first. We need to have ourselves analyzed and checked for any health risks and complications so that they can tell us the best course of action to take and especially what supplements we can buy to help in our muscle-building or weight loss endeavors. There are fat burners in the market that can cause high blood pressure, tremors or migraines if taken with other medications so always, always check with a doctor first.

Of course, realistic expectations are also good. Knowing our limitations helps keep us from trying to do too much at once. However, in desperation some of us take to using ways and means to lose weight faster, like taking fat burning supplements. Whether we are aspiring bodybuilders or simply want a lean and toned physique, it is important that we understand what fat burners do and how to choose wisely when we buy them.

For one, there are different types of fat burners, the first of which are known as thermogenic fat burners or those that burn excess fat from the body by elevating your body temperature and speeding up your metabolism. These fat burning supplements usually contain caffeine, yohimbe or synephrine hcl. These supplements are known to put stress on the central nervous system so it is important that these be used in cycles to avoid any complications.

The second type is the popular appetite suppressants. As part of the reason we are overweight stems from the fact that we love to eat, these supplements are recommended for those who have a difficult time controlling their appetite. These days, supplements with hoodia is considered the most effective appetite suppressants based on studies done on it, showing a significant reduction in appetite among the participants.

Carbohydrates are one thing that people who are trying to lose weight know they should avoid so they consider taking carb blockers because it not only blocks carbohydrates it also eliminates them from the body before they can be absorbed. The last type of fat burner is the thyroid regulators which produces hormones to regulate the thyroid system. They help the body produce guggulsterone and forskolin that help regulate the thyroid and increase metabolism to get rid of unwanted fat.

To choose the best, you need to do very thorough research online about the various types of fat burners available. The better informed you are, the better choices you make. You will also need to carefully read the labels and check what ingredients are contained in the supplements you are considering. If anything looks unfamiliar then check with a health professional first or do research on that ingredient to check if it is safe.

While it is important to get the best fat burners, it is also important that you get them from the best sources. Learn more about fat burners at http://www.nutritionwarehouse.com.au and get the best fat burning supplements to help make your dream body come true.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brendon_I_Boid

Gastric Mind Band Hypnosis - Weight Loss Without Surgery

The Gastric Mind BandTM is a hypnosis procedure that promises to change the lives of obese and seriously overweight people who've been unsuccessful at losing weight using other methods. It replaces actual Gastric Bypass Surgery with a hypnosis-based alternative aimed at achieving the same effect of reducing the amount of food the stomach can take in one meal.

While this type of surgery of the mind is not new its application in the field of weight loss is pioneering. The concept of the Gastric Mind BandTM was the brainchild of two hypnotherapists named Martin and Marion Shirran who have successfully marketed their trademarked product, GmB, in Europe through the Elite Clinics of Spain.

Researchers and scientists over the globe agree one of the keys to health, well-being and personal development, lies in understanding the mind/body connection. The technique of convincing the subconscious mind a gastric band has been placed around the neck of the stomach is an example of leveraging on this connection.

Gastric band hypnosis, as a treatment therapy, is safer and less costly than having the equivalent surgery performed. It 's also less restrictive on how long you chew food and what you eat - but the concept of smaller portions is instilled doing the hypnosis sessions.

It requires multiple hypnosis sessions to not only cover the "installation" of the virtual band but also alter behavior patterns of the patient. Many people squeamish or anxious about the thought of gastric bypass surgery will be more inclined to review one of these virtual gastric band hypnosis programs.

But can you convince your subconscious mind you've had surgery when you never did?

The hypnotherapy techniques used need to be more elaborate than a traditional direct suggestion hypnosis session.

One patient was told to imagine her stomach had shrunk to the size of a golf ball. Her brain responded well to the hypnotic suggestion which is evidenced by the weight she lost. In the four months following gastric band hypnotherapy she had dropped from a dress size 22 to a size 14.

This patient's experience of her gastric band installation was so real she described the procedure in a very detailed manner. She remembered being wheeled into the operating room, the smell of the anesthesia and the sound of the knife the surgeon was preparing to use on her.

A similar experience was described by another patient who was 325 pounds when she sought help from a hypnotherapist in the U.S who was trained by the creators of the gastric mind band. At the age of 47 this patient felt her weight had taken control of her life. Ten months following the mind "surgery" she had lost 120 pounds and is now back in the drivers' seat of her own life... and the "band" around her stomach is still doing what it was designed to do.

The virtual gastric band "operation" is happening around the world many times on an annual basis. However what makes it so unique is it takes place in the subconscious mind. There is no operation, no anesthesia, no cutting and no recuperation period. The hypnotic suggestions are placed in the subconscious mind which convinces the body the stomach will only hold a certain portion of food.

The Shirrans have reported a high success rate with their Gastric Mind BandTM - over 74 percent. In the past four years they've treated over 400 patients with this form of weight loss hypnotherapy. They have plans to offer their treatment at The Benestar Centre in New York City in the near future.

While these virtual gastric band procedures may not be the panacea for all people who want to lose weight, for many who have exhausted every other option, it offers an alternative for them to consider without resorting to a real surgical procedure.

Erika Slater is a Certified Hypnotist who is offering Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis for weight loss sessions in her Massachusetts practice, and you can find out more details about these sessions, other hypnosis services she offers, and various self-hypnosis programs available, by visiting her web site at: http://www.freeatlasthypnosis.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Erika_Slater

Pre-Bariatric Surgery, What is Expected of You?

Before undergoing bariatric surgery, you will need to begin to undertake new behavior changes your lifestyle . These behavioral changes to changes bases serve for life for the better.Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet If the commitment is not subject to changes in lifestyle needed may risk the patient's ability to undergo bariatric surgery.gastric bypass surgery diet One of the most significant changes for people considering bariatric surgery other then start a healthy lifestyle exercise routine is necessary to plan to undertake .Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet

gastric bypass surgery diet!!!
Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet The new system helps prepare the body for surgery and more accustomed to what will be required of you in your dedication to your eating habits. The new system will also help you recover faster and increase your weight loss. The system pre- bariatric surgery will help reduce body fat Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet , preserve and protect muscle tissue, and prepare for food lifestyle after surgery.

Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet !!!

Preoperative bariatric diet will start from three months to two weeks before surgery Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet, depending on the type of surgery you have and the amount of weight that your surgeon complained of losing before bariatric surgery.post bariatric surgery diet The more you lose weight before bariatric surgery more you reduce your risk of serious complications associated with bariatric surgery. Weight loss also reduces body fat in the abdominal area Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet , which makes it easier for the surgeon to work , and reduces the size of the liver.

Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet If the liver of a patient is too large , surgery may be delayed until enough weight is lost . The amount of weight a patient must lose before bariatric surgery is based on the type of procedure being executed , how over weight you are, and in particular general health .Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet It may be up to 10 % of their body weight only 15 pounds . Your surgeon will determine what weight loss is good for you to reduce the risk of complications.post bariatric surgery diet

Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet how to?

Pre operative obese patients need to take protein supplements Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet , decrease fat , sugar and rich dietary carbohydrates, quit smoking, avoid alcohol and stop eating compulsively . Your surgeon may ask you to stop taking certain over-the- counter medications and prescription drugs also .post bariatric surgery diet After preoperative models instead of bariatric surgery significantly reduces the risk of complications and get a good start to a new healthier lifestyle.post bariatric surgery diet

post bariatric surgery diet !!!

Bariatric surgery is not cosmetic surgery and carries significant health risks of death. Anything you can do to ensure the best outcomes of bariatric surgery are not eligible to give it the dedication it deserves.post bariatric surgery diet

Gastric Bypass Revision Options

Gastric bypass revision surgery is performed on patients who have undergone bariatric surgery, stomach bypass but suffered complications during surgery. The surgery is performed on people who have not fully benefited from the surgery of initial weight loss . Surgery is usually performed laparoscopic ally . In some cases , open surgery may be necessary .stomach bypass Weight loss surgeries are performed quite often now . Therefore, there is also a growing number of individuals experiencing unsatisfactory.stomach bypass

laparoscopic gastric bypass !!!

These patients are established for revision surgery for gastric bypass surgery.stomach bypass Many methods can be applied to this type of surgery . Sometimes an adjustable gastric band is placed in the upper part of the stomach . This is done in patients who have had previous experience of the stapling of the stomach and other problems .stomach bypass The procedure is usually performed laparoscopic ally . The procedure is performed on people who have undergone gastric surgery for weight regain . Sometimes it is also in the form of open surgery .stomach bypass

stomach bypass how to do?

Gastric bypass Roux -en- Y is another review of the derivation technique commonly chosen.stomach bypass This is most often done laparoscopic and the recovery time is about 2 weeks . This is considered one of the most effective revision gastric bypass techniques. However, there are risks associated with this surgery also. Some of them are vitamin deficiency, stomach ulcers, etc.laparoscopic gastric bypass These can be avoided with more vitamin tablets well .stomach bypass Gastronomy handle is another method in which a large part of the stomach is removed so as to leave only a very small portion of the stomach, in the form of a tube or sleeve . This leads to reduced hunger in patients and hence weight loss .stomach bypass

mini gastric bypass There is also a general improvement in health. This method of weight loss surgery is more effective and reduces the risk of complications also . It is much safer and gastric bypass surgeries preferred classics. Stomach X is another technical review. This is accomplished endoscopically.mini gastric bypass

During the procedure ,mini gastric bypass a stretched stomach pouch is packed with fasteners . This is also performed on patients who underwent bypass surgery Roux -en- Y before, but not quite recovered . People with stretched stomach pouch also undergo this surgery to tighten the stomach pouch .mini gastric bypass

mini gastric bypass !!!

Thus , appetite is reduced and this results in a weight loss. There are many reasons why gastric bypass may fail and the patient must undergo a revision of gastric bypass surgery. Some of them are gastro - gastric fistula , expansion pocket , the expansion of the anastomosis .

Fat Burning Workouts

Lose weight and get in shape may seem a crazy dream for many. In a mad following the next trend in weight loss course , many people forget to maintain sanity in the mix. Now , to be fair, is generally of interest and enthusiasm for losing weight and sticking to a plan that most people are looking for the next big thing . The problem is the next big thing that let them down as far as the last great weight loss program . Why ?

It is a basic process to be followed by the average person when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off . Weight loss occurs at the cellular level appropriate . We tend to overlook this in favor of a major miracle pill or new program to help us lose weight quickly. Our bodies are constantly in a state of decomposition and accumulation. Think of any vibrant city that is constantly repairing the street when there are too many cars and trucks pounding the streets with potholes.

When we eat our body uses for fuel material and store what you do not use immediately in their tanks reserve for when we need it . If we work on our bodies return to store fuel . When we reduce the fuel ( food) our bodies are paying close attention to the evolution and realize when fuel is low. Then the calculated amount of fuel to be stored in the case where fuel continues to decrease . If there is an urgent need for the existing offer , but the fuel is still to come , in short , still storing fuel for use as fuel in muscle mass and fat deposition .

We pledge our muscle mass when significantly reduce calories without doubt our body. We lose water faster than we can lose muscle fat when the body goes into starvation mode. Our brain needs fat , and your body will protect our brain through our physical strength to stay alive. If we really want to be fit and slim , we constantly put our body in question , especially when they are dieting .

Here are three key tips to follow when embarking on a weight loss plan .
A . Calculate the percentage of fat loss - Instead of thinking in books , think percentages. Get a set of measuring body fat . There are several types on the market size scales . Measure your body parts and maintaining a weekly or monthly chart of your neck , chest, biceps, waist, hips, thighs and calves. Always measure the same branch in the updated statistics.

Two . The difference between activity and exercise. Walking is an activity (except by foot power ) lift weights or perform gymnastics is exercise. You should be able to push yourself a little more each session for your cells to a point where they need to be repaired and rebuilt for more intensive work. Here's how our bodies become stronger.

Three . Never eat less than 1000 calories in 24 hours, unless you are fasting and fast for no more than three days. Fasting can cleanse your digestive system, but not useful for metabolic functions. This is a terribly inefficient method of weight loss because muscle is compromised.

Keep these points in mind when starting the day and decide in advance if you wish to exercise or simply perform various activities . Eat what you need to fuel your body for the day's activities and stay focused to burn body fat , not weight loss . Have fun .