When you receive the Seal you begin to worry about the health of your body. Want to eat a healthy diet. Studies have shown that milk is good for you, and the fermented milk is even better.
Milk is one of the best foods nature . It can not be a food "complete" , but is about to end . And yes , milk can - as announced - help burn fat .
who have studied the diet for 6 months found that those who had three
servings of calcium-rich dairy lost more belly fat than those who went
without dairy products in your diet.
same researchers also found that calcium supplements can help you lose
weight and eat or drink dairy products that are rich in protein and
other nutrients.
The milk protein builds muscle while you lose fat. Milk protein is 4 parts 1 part of casein and whey. Both proteins are of high quality , and both are complete proteins.
The whey protein is fast because it is digested so rapidly in the building blocks of proteins your body uses - amino acids. It is ideal to replace the proteins in the body (and other nutrients) after strenuous exercise .
Casein is slowly broken down by your body. But that means that a food gives " slow and steady " protein over a longer time period , important balance whey protein quickly.
There is some debate about whether it is healthier to drink skim or whole milk. Whole
milk is normal ( as God did) and is considered by some experts on
natural foods as the healthiest of the two types of milk.
Most studies on this topic show that whole milk lowers bad cholesterol , despite its high content of saturated fatty acids . Of course , skim milk is best if you have high cholesterol and want to treat it.
researchers have found that drinking a few glasses of milk reduces the
risk of heart disease and stroke day , again despite its high content of
saturated fatty acids from whole milk if this is the type of milk you
choose .
If you eat or drink a milk culture , which is even better for you. Culture includes yogurt and milk kefir and a series of new products that are considered "probiotic " .
Probiotics promote the growth of bacteria inside your digestive tract . These friendly aid in the digestion of bacteria to absorb more nutrients. And bring nutrients previously destroyed by pasteurization .
Probiotics also stimulate the immune system of your body. The bacteria also fight bad bacteria so you do not get sick as often. Who cares about a little cold or flu from time to time ? If you are more of a cold or flu might be what kills you .
God made milk the mainstay of the diet of children. It is the only nutrition for children and for them is a perfect food . It
is perfect for adults as well when it becomes a culture of milk, a
living food , which is a better source of protein than most meats .
When you are sealed you will begin to take care of your health. Replace
some of the meat in your diet with milk ( especially cultured milk
products ) will help you lose weight and get healthier . And you want to become healthy when you receive the Seal .