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The Truth About Belly Fat Exercise

We've all seen the ads, all heard the slogans:

"Five minutes is all you need." "Lose those unwanted pounds in all the right places without wasting your time and energy." "our fantastic product is especially designed for belly fat exercise."
We've watched 'ordinary people' with paunches and flab turn into sex gods and goddesses with "trim, toned abs" and "the body of our dreams".

We rush out, buy the product and wait for results. A week goes by, nothing happens. A month passes, still nothing. Make no mistake; in this world where instant gratification is everything, a month is a long, long time. So we wonder what happened, decide that the product is no good and rush out to find the next best product which ignores the importance of belly fat exercise.

But as predicted, it wouldn't work either. You see, the sad truth is that losing that fat belly takes exercise, the old fashioned way, among other things like time and energy, as well as a certain amount of will power.
Wouldn't be easy if we could just concentrate on the part of our body that we want to lose weight from? For most of us, the hardest to reach area is the belly - the amount of fat there just never seems to reduce, no matter how many sit-ups we do to try and exercise it away... That isn't to say that you should forget about exercises for belly fat loss, because they really are essential to getting that awesome flat stomach you see in the movies, even if they're just not enough on their own.

So what can you do? Start in the kitchen. The easiest way to look at it is that if you burn more calories than you take in, you'll lose weight. That said, you shouldn't starve yourself, because that just makes your body store more fat to make sure that you have energy reserves when you aren't eating. Don't just jump into a diet either, because your body can interpret that as deprivation. Ease into it by making small, gradual changes in your lifestyle and eating habits. Often, we can mistake thirst for hunger, so make sure you get plenty of water during the day. This helps keep you hydrated and will make you feel less hungry.

The next step is exercise. To rid yourself permanently belly fat exercise is irreplaceable. A mix of aerobic and weight training exercises for one hour, six days a week is generally recommended. You could also include a specific belly exercise for fat in that area, to tone the muscles there. Do take a day off to give you something to look forward to in the middle of the week, especially when you're starting off. And don't worry if you find it difficult to get into the routine.

It takes about a month for your body to accept change, and it may take a couple of months to actually see results. So don't give up after the first few weeks, you maybe just weeks away from seeing changes that will motivate you to keep going on your path to the abs of your dreams.
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