With bloating after eating, you have the sensation of swelling
and tightness in the stomach and/or intestines. Your pants may feel
tighter and you may have pain accompanied with gas after eating.
often the reaction is to consider that you have eaten something that
didn't agree with you and then try to avoid those foods. That may work
for the short term; however, bloating after eating can be a sign of
other digestive problems. Now, if this is the case, then often the
complaint becomes, "I bloat up even after eating healthy foods."
many, the simplest cause of abdominal distention is swallowing air when
you eat or drink. We all swallow some air when eating, but those who
gulp air in are more likely to be just eating too fast. The gas that you
swallow expands when warmed up to body temperature and causes pain as
it passes through the intestines.
To solve this you would slow
down when eating. Chew your food and relax or not tense up. Don't eat
when you are upset. Drinking through a straw eliminates gulping air in
when drinking.
Another cause of bloating after eating is not
having enough hydrochloric acid for digestion or having low stomach
acid. Your doctor can test for this and may then have you take a
hydrochloric acid supplement with your meals.
Another cause is
over eating. When you over eat you stretch out the stomach and it
doesn't have the room it needs to contract and work the stomach contents
for digestion. Smaller, more frequent meals is the solution to this
Intestinal gas can be from the waste given off by the
unhealthy bacteria living on undigested food in the intestinal tract. If
your food is not fully digested, it is a breading ground for unhealthy
bacteria. Many times the bloating after eating is caused by both
swallowed air and gases from undigested food. Just so you know,
swallowed air doesn't have a bad odor when passed.
The goal is to
have an efficient digestive system. Efficiency means that you have the
nutrients, enzymes and digestive secretions present to be able to digest
your food well. You see, if your food is well digested, there is
nothing left for the unhealthy bacteria to feed and live on. They die
off and you have no gas.
To keep digestion efficient, smaller
meals are needed. This allows for enough mobility of the digestive tract
to do its work. Too much food stretches everything out and mobility is
limited. But, smaller meals help in another way too...
more frequent meals also reduces the demand on the digestive juices and
enzymes. A lower demand of digestive secretions means your food is more
likely to be more fully digested because the demand can be met.
eating plays a role in good digestive health. But, it can also be a bit
of a problem when it comes to bloating after eating. Let me explain...
healthy provides all the nutrients most of us need to maintain a
healthy digestive tract. But good healthy nutritious food is also
feeding that bad bacteria in the gut. The unhealthy bacteria thrive and
give off gases, which cause you pain. One may give up healthy eating
because of the phenomenon.
That would be a mistake because without a healthy diet, your digestion and overall health would surely suffer.
solution is to eat well and in a way to kill off the bad bacteria in
your gut. As I explained, smaller meals would leave less undigested food
for them to live on. That's your first step. Eat smaller more frequent
The second is to eat foods that would kill them off.
Acidophilus or probiotics are healthy bacteria your digestive tract
needs to function properly. These probiotics will kill off the unhealthy
bacteria. You can get probiotics from yogurt. It should contain live
active cultures and be organic.
Organic yogurt is the only one you
should eat. The only exception would be to make it yourself.
Genetically altered food is not permitted in organics. That means that
the bacterial culture in the organic yogurt cannot be from genetic
Bloating after eating can be embarrassing and
painful. However, it is possible to get relief. Make an appointment with
your doctor for a full examination to determine the cause of your
digestive problems. Then with the cause nailed down, a care plan can be
worked out for you to follow.
Doris Temple created http://www.mom-going-organic-sensibly.com
to fill the need for unbiased information. The Website provides
information about organic food, products and healthy nutrition. Sign up
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(c) Copyright 2009 Doris Temple - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE
(c) Copyright 2009 Doris Temple - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE
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