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Best Diet and Nutrition For Weight Loss Safely and Nice Skin

Currently, the usual way of diet that people do is have so many risk of their own health, let alone the type of diet that uses chemicals such as weight-lowering drugs and others who had promising results in quick time but on the other side can give a bad side effect to our bodies.

Dietary patterns that we should do are a healthy diet using natural ingredients such as vegetables and fruits. Because not only contain a high fiber that can remove fat and weight loss safely, vegetables and fruits also contain various kinds of vitamins that are good for our bodies. It is important to note that Diet is a dietary pattern into the body not only to obtain the ideal body weight, but also done to sustain the process of healing from diseases, even to care for beauty, one of which is health care for the skin. Believe it or not, the nutrients are contained in fruits and vegetables that we use as food diet has a relationships and a role to maintain a healthy skin.

To keep a healthy skin, nutrition experts recommend consuming a variety of natural products such as Dark Chocolate, Green Tea or Sunflower Seeds. Sunflower Seeds are known to contain vitamin E, which had been known as anti-free radicals and also can protect skin from external destructive molecules from air pollution. Dark Chocolate and Green Tea contain Polyphones, a natural compounds that capable of controlling a substances which can trigger inflammation and of course to facilitate the flow of blood in the skin.

Strawberries, various Citrus, and Broccoli, is a type of fruit and vegetables that have very high vitamin C content. In the body, vitamin C could active fibroblasts, collagen-maker cells. The better quality of collagen in the body means the skin gets tight and bright. The number of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C can be consumed in as many as you want every day.

Except that, you can also try to eat fruits and vegetables with orange, red or dark green colours. Such as pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and spinach, everyday. This colored food, have known contain beta-carotene, a type of antioxidant that can counteract free radical cell activity causes wrinkled skin. Beta carotene can also "wake up" the DNA which has a duty to produce a new skin cells and stimulate the process of disposal of dead skin cells. This both process will make the skin look smoother and fresher.
Other foodstuffs that also helps you to keep your diet healthy and skin health, among others, Wheat, rich in vitamins B1, B3, iron, fiber and vitamin E. Red Beans containing high fiber and some vitamins and minerals, Almonds are rich in fiber, iron, magnesium and vitamin E. Apples, Spinach and Blueberries are also rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C.

For animal food source, you can try to consume Salmon Fish. This fish was chosen as a health food because in addition contain protein, amino acids and high omega 3, was also has a lower cholesterol. For drinks nutrition, you can consume Milk. Choose low fat milk or nonfat which is rich in vitamin D and calcium. Soy Milk can also be an alternative choice. High vitamin E contented in soy milk could prevent skin cancer, preventing skin wrinkles and acts as an antioxidant. Besides that, soy milk also contains Isoflavones which is very useful for skin. And the last, the most simplest and cheapest is to consume Water. Water is able to provide natural freshness to your skin and remove all kinds of toxins in the body.
Want to Find Out More? Click Here for FREE Information on how to Weight Loss Safely

How To Lose Weight In A Healthy Way

Do you need to get in better shape? You should develop your own weight loss program to get the silhouette you always wanted. Keep reading to learn more about weight loss and the different efficient methods you can use to get in shape.

Stay away from diet pills, crash diets and other similar methods. You will get good results on the short term with these methods but it is best to focus on transforming your lifestyle step by step to make sure you never go back to your unhealthy habits. You can only use a diet pill or a crash diet for so long and will put some weigh on again unless you adopt healthy habits for good.

Do not try losing weight too quickly. Losing two pounds a week is healthy but keep in mind that losing only one pound a week is an excellent result too. If your metabolism is not fast enough, focus on losing a pound a week. Losing more than two pounds a week is too much and your body might respond by store fat to compensate for the weight loss. Besides, you might feel weak if you lose more than two pounds a week.

Adopt a healthier lifestyle. You might be overweight because you spend too much time watching TV or sitting in front of the computer. You need to find some new hobbies to be more active. If you need to sit all day at work, find ways to be more active when you get home. You could also take advantage of your breaks to walk or do a few simple exercises on a yoga mat.

Transform your diet. If you tend to eat more than your daily recommended caloric intake, find healthy foods that will satisfy your hunger instead of eating empty calories. Eat slowly and avoid distractions so you can realize when you are full. If you tend to snack between meals, try eating five or six times a day. Prepare some small meals and spread your caloric intake throughout the day to avoid snacking.

Working out will definitely help you lose weight. Find some exercises you really enjoy and exercise at your own rhythm. It is important to start slowly, for instance by working out for twenty minutes a day. You will quickly notice an improvement and become more resistant. Once you get in better shape, look for ways to make your fitness program more challenging. You could for instance join a gym or sign up for an aerobics class.

Set some weekly or monthly goals for your weight loss program. You should focus on precise goals such as losing a specific number of pounds. Choose reasonable goals and do not feel bad if you cannot reach them on time. Reward yourself when you meet a goal, for instance by purchasing some new clothes or a gym membership. This is a good way to stay motivated throughout your weight loss program.
Follow these tips to develop your own weight loss program. You should soon reach a much healthier weight if you are properly motivated.
weight loss
weight loss

Rapid Weight Loss Diet Fads - Important Information and Advice

How many diets or crazy weight loss regimes have you tried in the past? No doubt countless. In fact, because today's society has more overweight persons than ever before in the entire history of the human race, weight loss regimes are among the number one practices that humans spend so much time, effort and money on. I'm sure you would agree. But why are so many of us still fat? Clearly these rapid-burn weight loss regimes (i.e., fad diets) do not work, otherwise we'd all be skinny by now, and weight problems would be a thing of the past. The following paragraphs will relate some of the crazy fad diet ideas which clearly have proved to be faulty and non-fruitful.

Crazy diet fad #1 - The Grapefruit Craze
This promises rapid weight loss if you eat unlimited amounts of grapefruit (and little else) during the day. This is based on the belief that grapefruit speeds up one's metabolism to the point where weight will magically start to melt away. This diet is not only based on starvation methods but is also very dangerous and could cause one's body permanent damage.

Crazy diet fad #2 - The "No-Carbs" Diet
I honestly don't know who made this diet up, but when you think about it, it makes little to no sense. Everyone knows that if you have 100g of fat, 100g of protein, and 100g of carbs all lined up on the table - it is the fat should be avoided due to the high kilojoule content, not the protein or the carbs. In fact, carbs by themselves are very low kilojoule. I've never been able to work this one out!

Crazy diet fad #3 - The Low-fat to No-fat diet
This also makes no sense. Fat is a highly nutritious and important element to our daily food intake. In fact, avocado, olive oil, fatty salmon and walnuts all contain healthy omega 3 fats which are absolutely essential to a healthy diet. If these fats are omitted or drastically cut back from one's intake - cravings, low-energy, low-concentration and extreme bouts of will inevitably occur. Clearly this is not how we are supposed to eat in the long-run!
Crazy diet fad #4 - The Replacement Shakes
Although I see no harm in swapping one meal a day with low-calorie diet shakes, any more and a person is liable to start going crazy. That's right, literally bonkers! You know why; it's because us humans are born to enjoy fine food, and most days, we incorporate this into our social life. If we are not able to sit down and enjoy a meal anymore, depression and moodiness often take over our 'otherwise' happy or positive self. Can this type of diet be maintained for very long? You tell me.

Crazy diet fad #5 - Counting Calories to Lose Weight
Let's be honest - who of us has not attempted counting our calorie (kilojoule) intake at some point in the past? I know I have. It can sort of be fun at first, but after a few days of it you seriously start to go loony! Keeping this up requires a massive amount of work, not to mention a lot of time involved in reading food labels and recipe energy content, recording your energy consumed, and calculating your new daily total with each consumed addition! If you want to remain reasonably sane, then counting calories to lose weight is NOT the way to go! I'd stay clear from this idea altogether.

Clearly, there are no rapid weight loss diets (i.e., crazy fad diets/ crash diets) that are really safe or suitable to conform to for very long. Attempting to burn rapid amounts of weight off is not safe and is liable to damage your body. The initial weight that comes off from fad diets may excite you, but this is only water weight that you are losing, not actual fat. Rather than attempting to lose weight rapidly you should instead undergo a healthy diet plan and moderate exercise regime that will give you steady results and will be achievable.
CLICK HERE to begin your healthy weight-loss journey today.

The Lemonade Diet Weight Loss Supplement

The Master Cleanse Diet has been gaining in popularity from celebrities to regular people alike. So it should be no secret that the lemonade diet weight loss supplement is also popular. The normal process is actually easy to follow as it requires you to substitute your meals with a lemonade, maple syrup and cayenne pepper mixture. It normally requires a person to undergo three phases which are as follows:

1. The Ease-in.
This lasts for three days and is meant to gently coax a person into the diet. On the first day you are asked to ban every food except fruits and vegetables. On the second day, you start the liquid diet composed of soup, fruit juices and vegetable juices. On the third day, you are allowed to drink orange juice along with water.

2. The Actual Diet.
Food is substituted with a mixture of freshly squeezed lemon, water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. You are also asked to take a laxative or a saltwater flush to promote digestion. Although there is no set duration for this diet, it is recommended to go on this cleansing diet for a period of 14 days. You can, however, opt to do it in a shorter or longer span of time.

3. The Ease Out.
In this phase, you do the reverse of the ease-in. On the first day, you drink orange juice. The second day you could have soups and other juices, and on the last day you can have your fruits and vegetables.

This diet was flagged by a lot of nutritionist as unhealthy because of the lack of nutrients the said diet delivers to the body. It has also been found that once off the diet, the person would pack on the pounds, mainly because there is no change in eating habits or activity.

Despite this, many people still do the Master Cleanse diet because it is a fast and effective weight loss program. More than the weight loss, it is meant to be a detox regimen that cleanses your body of toxins. It also aims to mentally change your relationship with food so you can make better choices. The cleanse is also meant to be done once in a while to continuously purge the body.

There are a lot of things to consider when doing the cleanse. The first is that you are required to drink the mixture 5-10 minutes after you make it to avoid letting the cayenne pepper steep. Your lemons also have to be fresh and preferably not refrigerated so as to have the optimal amount of enzymes for the diet.

Another option is to use the lemonade diet weight loss supplement as a substitute. This pill is composed of all the goodness of the lemonade mixture assuring you that you have A-grade maple syrup and the maximum amount of enzymes. It also saves you from downing the glass of sweet, sour and spicy mixture. It is also convenient as it doesn't require you to make your own mixture by squeezing the lemon juice and accurately measuring your ingredients. This would make the diet even easier and more effective.
Are you looking for information on lemonade diet weight loss supplement? Visit http://lifestylesecretreview.com/ today!

How to Lose Water Weight - 5 Tips

Retaining excess water can make you feel bloated. It can also make your wrists, ankles, hands and feet swell and your face look puffy. Sure, you have probably learned that the best way to lose water weight is actually to drink more water. This is absolutely true. In fact, water weight is usually a sign that your body is "scared" to lose any more water and as a countermeasure is retaining it like a camel. The thing is, you are not a camel!
Here are 5 tips for fine-tuning your water weight loss plan:

Tip #1: Get a 32 oz. or 64 oz. refillable container: You can find these little babies for very cheap at almost any discount or sporting goods store and they come in all kinds of cool designs. Buy them not for their cool designs, however, but rather for their amazing capacity: you can really put a lot of water into these things. And, unlike a conventional cup, their portable design encourages you to carry them wherever you go. If you drink just 1 - 2 of these mega-containers' worth of water each day, your body will start shedding the excess water that it has been holding onto for dear life for so long.

Tip #2: Add a little lemon or lime: To your mega-container, add a squeeze or two of lemon or lime. These citrus fruits act as natural diuretics, and their refreshing taste makes the water go down that much easier.
Tip #3: Eat lower sodium foods: Sodium and water weight go hand-in-hand. When you drink more water, your body is freed to release some of its sodium stores. Conversely, when you switch to a lower sodium diet, your body will tend to store less excess water. Bonus tip: cutting down on diet sodas will cut your sodium intake significantly.

Tip #4: Try a natural diuretic: Diuretics help your body flush water weight. But prescription diuretics can be rather harsh on your system and often cause intense diarrhea. Try a natural diuretic such as an herbal-based one for a gentler, healthier experience of forcing that excess water out of your body.

Tip #5: Sprinkle in some exercise: Yes, that weight loss panacea, exercise, comes in handy for helping you to lose water weight, too. Bonus tip: choose exercises that work the areas of your body (e.g., wrists or ankles) that need the most help in losing water.

Drinking more water is the cornerstone to a water weight loss strategy. Adding a bit of citrus to your water, taking natural diuretics, eating a low sodium diet, and doing concentrated exercises can also help you shed that weight. Losing water weight is the first step to looking sexy and feeling great with a comprehensive weight loss plan.

Looking to burn more fat, faster? Or, just want to get a flatter stomach? Find some FREE resources you can use today at: Crazy Ripped Abs and Diet Solutions [http://www.Crazy-Ripped-Abs.com].

Green Tea for Weight Loss - Get Back in Shape By Drinking Slimming Tea

If you want to get back in shape, its time to consider green tea for weight loss.
Green tea is not just a great beverage but also a highly effective weight loss supplements. It is the best choice for most people who are not really fond of slimming pills and patches that are infamous for their side effects.
Almost all of us drink tea and there are hardly any side effects of tea. Though there are many varieties of tea, it is green tea that can boost your metabolism and help you burn excess body fat. People across Asia are great tea lovers. In fact, drinking tea is an important part of their culture in China and Japan.
Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants. These antioxidants are great for your body and can help in weight loss in the following ways:
  • First of all, they can help eliminate toxins and other chemicals from your body that get accumulated over time. Loss of such toxins can reduce your weight by a couple of pounds.
  • Secondly and more importantly, getting rid of toxins gives a boost to your metabolic rate. This ensures that your body is able to burn fat at a much faster rate resulting in quick fat loss.
  • Thirdly, such tea can also help reduce your appetite. It can be a great snack in between meals. By suppressing your appetite, it can help reduce the amount of calories you consume. Diet control is important if you want to achieve your weight loss goals.
  • Last but not the least, having tea after a meal that is rich in carbs and sugars can prevent the secretion of Insulin. This acquires great significance since Insulin is the hormone that stores fat in your body.
Thus, by drinking a few cups a day you can easily lose those extra pounds and the best part is that you do not even have to fear any kinds of side effects.
Now, there are many kinds of slimming teas that you can buy online or offline. Some of them can taste really awful. Not just this, quite a number of them fail to keep their promise of weight loss and this is largely due to the quality of the product.
Teas that are made with saw dust are not as effective as compared to those that are made with whole tea leaves.
The most effective and premium grade teas are made with whole tea leaves and are a mix of premium teas such as Sencha, Wuyi Cliff Oolong and Puerh. Such a powerful mix of green tea varieties can make you lose weight really fast.
There can be many other benefits as well such as improved skin complexion, better immunity, increased energy etc.,
So, If You Want to Lose Weight Naturally, Check out the Best Green Tea for Weight Loss that has Become a Big Hit All Over the World.
Get a Slim and Sexy Body Quickly with the Best Slimming Tea that is a rare and potent mix of varieties such as Wuyi Cliff, Sencha and Oolong!

Do You Need to Lose Weight Fast?

Do you need to lose weight quickly? I discovered this special diet program that you could begin using to shed Twenty pounds of extra weight in only four weeks. You don't even need to do any workouts. Does this appear too good to be real? Well, test it and you just might be surprised.

If you need to lose weight fast, then keep to these four simple rules to drop the fat like there's no tomorrow:

First, don't consume any kind of "white carbohydrates" — Do not take in grain, bread, potatoes, anything fried, pasta, or cereal. Basically, if it is white, or was once white, do not consume it. Should you happen be doing some type of exercise, it is fine to consume a little bit of these, but only within one and a half hours after a resistance training workout.

Second, pick a couple different meals and eat them often — It is no secret that winning dieters don't change up their meals often. They stick to a select few meals and consume them consistently. So if you have lose weight easily, come up with a couple of meals out of the following list of healthy foods and have fun eating them routinely for four weeks. You may eat as much of all these as you want, remember to keep your meals plain. It is a "slow carbohydrate" diet, which is different from a low carbohydrate diet program. Lots of people may stop trying on low carbohydrate programs because they complain about not having enough strength. In an effort to beat this, we have added legumes to the list for calories. Many will consume beyond simply 3 meals per day to help distribute the calories throughout the day and keep their metabolic rate going steadily all day long.

Egg whites
Organic Beef
Chicken breasts or chicken thigh

Additional mixed vegetables

Pinto beans
Black beans

Here are a few sample meals you might look into during this diet:
  • Egg whites or entire eggs with pinto beans and mixed vegetables
  • Pork with pinto beans and mixed vegetables
  • Organic beef with lentils and mixed greens
  • Chicken breast with asparagus and lentils
Third, keep the calories in meal form — When you are doing this, drink water. Plenty of water. You can mix things up with unsweetened iced teas, normal green tea, or black coffee (no sweet lattes or cream). You will want to stop drinking milk, fruit juice, and sweet sodas. These are just more calories that will only hinder this diet program.

Lastly, take a day off each week — You'll love this rule. One day each seven days, let yourself go and consume whatever you desire. Frozen treats, snacks, candy bars... have them all... as much as you would like. Do not think of it as "undoing" your valuable work you previously put in. Doing this will increase the number of calories you eat, which will actually keep your metabolic rate from reducing.

So if you just definitely want to lose excess fat fast, you can stick to this straightforward diet and watch your waist drastically shrink in a matter of a month or so. The meals might take some getting used to, but it is sure a lot better than starving yourself or counting calories neurotically.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com

Quick Weight Loss Tips - The Reality

Too Many Choices

The Modern Day Diet is a very strange thing. If you ride down the street of any major city you know what I mean. The number one enemy of people trying to lose weight bombards them every day, from beautiful fast food restaurants to the incredibly delicious sodas we consume. From saturated fat to refined sugar, it's no wonder it's so difficult in today's world to grasp the quick weight loss dream.

Now don't get me wrong. There are many other factors that contribute to this. Some of these are genetics, some is eating too much as you get older (this is a major contributing factor). You see as you get older your metabolism slows down. This makes it more difficult to burn those foods inside you are eating.
Remember that the rate you lose weight is commensurate to how it's gained. In some cases rapid weight loss is not good because it leaves an individual with lose skin. This many times can only be fixed with surgery.

The Right Plan Of Action
When considering a plan of action you will need to examine your overall condition. Some of the things you will need to consider include your health, weight, age, gender, calorie-intake, your stress level and routine. Remember, being overweight doesn't necessarily make a person unhealthy. This is also something to take into consideration.

The reality is there is no overnight solution to burn fat quickly. There are many professionals who state that your weight with proper exercise can help you lose a certain number of pounds per week. I strongly recommend a low calorie diet with a decent exercise plan if you go this route.

Best Exercise Plan
Many people ask me, "What is the best exercise plan for me?" Well, the best plan should include weight training with cardiovascular exercises. This along with a diet program that is professionally designed (by either a dietitian or health professional) will go a long way for you.

When selecting a diet remember that a good one should have all the food groups included. This includes carbohydrates, vitamins, fibers, and minerals. Also, don't forget cereals, vegetables and fruits. Oats, rice, and potatoes are also good to include in your list of essentials.

And above all else, when you make your diet plan keep fats at a minimum. Remember that fats contain more than double the number of calories (yikes). If you must have fat make sure you consume it in very small quantities. This one point here could destroy your diet plan. The consumption of fat is a major reason people do not see the results they wish for.

A lot of people misunderstand what dieting is about. The plans are usually designed to induce reduced amounts of calories into your body. A lot of people believe this means that they must eat less, but this is not always the case. You need to eat smart. By choosing the right foods, you could actually lose weight without eating less.

In conclusion, not only can you lose weight but you can enjoy the process. Many people will tell you to starve yourself, but that is not safe or a true path. With proper knowledge and a solid plan, you too can lose weight.
Quit struggling with weight loss now. Skyrocket your path to fat loss today by signing up for my weight loss secrets today at- http://weightlossmask.com.

How to lose weight fast now

How to lose weight fast as soon as you implement a handful of minor known secrets, to multiply your power and slicing right through the fat the body begins to take its natural shape instantly.

Perhaps you are amused in losing some of the extra excess weight you have been carrying around then aerobics exercise program for weight loss are just what you need to help you achieve your goals. Let us be honest for a moment, shall we? Most people don't like to engage in exercise. However, the combination of regular exercise and healthy eating is the best way to lose weight. You should be aware that your cardio workouts need to be done on a consistent basis. Therefore, if you are able to find exercises you enjoy, you will have an easier time sticking with your weight loss plan.

how to lose weight fast
Which heightens the concern of just what the best way is of making a workable weight loss and cardio workout plan that fits in with your lifestyle. Here are some things to consider as you develop your plan:

1. valuable time for how to lose weight fast. I understand that you are very busy, but everybody is busy. Perhaps you feel that you don't even have a spare minute to spend on exercising. If so, then I have a question. How much time do you spend watching television or mindlessly surfing the internet? Would you be willing to give up 15 to 30 minutes a day, most days of the week, if it meant you would lose weight and feel better than ever before?

2. capability. You are reading this, so I will assume you want to know about weight loss. In turn, it's probably a safe assumption that you are not in peak physical condition. When you first start doing cardio workouts, select exercises that are within your level of ability. It's okay to push yourself to some extent, but you don't want to injure yourself either. Be sure to check with your personal doctor before starting a new eating plan or exercise regimen. They will most likely be thrilled that you want to be healthier, but they can also alert you to any underlying medical problems you have, and how best to deal with them.

3.entertainment. Generally speaking, exercise doesn't sound all that enjoyable to most people. They only think of it as work, but it doesn't have to be if you select activities that you enjoy. It stands to reason that the more you look forward to your exercise, the more likely you will be to stick with it. Here is a short list of some of the best exercises for cardio workouts for weight loss.

Sprinting aquatics
Cross-country skiing taking walks
Rock climbing
aerobic activity
Elliptical trainers riding a bicycle

The most important thing to remember is that the most important muscle you have is your heart. You should plan on making this the first part of your workout plan. Your heart must get strengthen first before you go after how to lose weight fast.

You should now have a good idea of what type of exercises you will be doing and when you will do them, but that's only part of the picture. You also need to have an end goal in mind. If you don't, you won't know when you get there, and it will be easier to get discouraged when you don't see results right away.
Doing cardio workouts for how to lose weight fast is one of the best ways to take of extra pounds. Now that you have a better idea of how best to do it, it's up to you to follow through. You'll be glad you did.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com

How To Lose Weight Naturally And Fast: Tips To Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

It can be a daunting task if you are trying to lose weight on your own without the right information on what you should or should not do. If you are looking to lose weight naturally and get in the best shape of your life, then you are not alone. Millions of people in America alone are trying to find a proven weight loss system that works. Today I am going to share a few tips and lifestyle modifications that you can do to start dropping some pounds slowly but surely.

Our bodies are made up of more than 75% water so it's no joke when health professionals recommend that we drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Water enhances our metabolism and also helps to flush out toxins from our bodies. So by increasing your water intake, you are ensuring that your body is optimized for fat burning mode.

I think exercise is overrated and as a result a lot of persons get scared when they hear the word. However, I want you to understand that exercise does not mean that you have to work out like crazy and drain yourself. if you are just starting your weight loss journey, you can start out walking for 30-50 minutes around your neighborhood.
You basically just need to increase the amount of physical activities that you do on a daily basis so that you can burn more calories. The more calories you burn, the more fat deposits will be used up for energy and thus the more weight you'll lose.

Instead of going for sweets or sugary snacks, try and replace them with an apple or your favorite fruit. Fruits contains less calories than regular food for the same size so you'll be fuller for longer periods of time while still creating a calorie deficit so that you can lose weight.
The added benefits also is that fruits contain antioxidants and vitamins and minerals to enhance your immune system so that you can fight off illnesses.

Green is a rich source of antioxidants and it also helps to speeds up your body metabolism.. By simply drinking a cup or two a day, you will be flushing out toxins, improving your body's metabolism and overall health while dropping some pounds in the process.

It has been scientifically proven that you'll increase your metabolism rate by having 5 to 6 smaller meals in a day instead of 3 larger ones. Spreading out your meals ensures that your body does not get into starvation mode because food will be coming in on a regular basis. If your body goes into starvation mode, it will be saving up fats for future energy because it will be under the impression that you are going to die. The objective is to ensure that you have a snack at least every 2-3 hours.

By following the above 5 tips, you are well on your way to losing weight naturally and getting into the best shape of your life. You just need to stay motivated, be consistent and you'll achieve your goals.
Are you struggling to lose weight and can't find the motivation to achieve your goal? Do you find that everything you try at fail? Well today you are about to discover how you can lose weight naturally without dieting/exercise and get in the best shape of your life.
Click here to discover how to melt fat fast without dieting or exercising - safe, effective and 100% natural..

Fasting: A Fast Way to Lose Weight?

Everyone seems to be talking about intermittent fasting at the moment. It's popularity hit the mainstream after a Horizon programme featuring Dr. Michael Mosley aired last summer, but it's been bubbling under the surface for a while and has been popular with gym freaks and life extension types for years.

Now, for many people, the idea of going for a whole day without food, or even missing breakfast, it too much to bear thinking about. I too, was the sort of person who couldn't go more than a couple of hours without food; thinking that I'd faint if I missed breakfast, let alone didn't eat all day. I fully subscribed to the 'eat little and often' idea that we had to avoid hunger at all costs and keep the metabolism firing all day with regular top ups of food. I'd snack every couple of hours, always keeping something on hand to keep hunger at bay and keep the internal fire burning.

Recently, I've totally changed my approach and the results are surprising. The purported benefits of fasting are many; studies on mice suggest that intermittent fasting can help to repair DNA, reduce chronic diseases such as cancer,increase longevity and increase insulin sensitivity to name but a few.

Studies in humans aren't so numerous but show it could reduce bad cholesterol, lead to weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin is the hormone that stores away sugar, often as fat, and keeps it there.
The more insulin sensitive we are, the less insulin our bodies need to produce.

Therefore we store less energy as fat and we actually burn more fat because the insulin isn't keeping it locked in our fat cells. Being more insulin sensitive means you'll be far less likely to develop type II diabetes.
For many, fasting intermittently, particularly the 5:2 approach, may be easier to stick to than say, for example, continuously reducing your calorie intake, like most other diets or weight loss regimes.

Dr. Michael Eades (one of the best-known bariatric (obesity treatment) doctors in the US) puts it really well, when he states that "Diets are easy in the contemplation, difficult in the execution. IF is just the opposite - it's difficult in the contemplation but easy in the execution"
The idea of the 5:2 method of intermittent fasting is that for 2 days per week you restrict your calorie intake to 500 calories if you are a woman, or 600 if you're a man. Some people like to spread their calories out throughout the day, where as I prefer to simply eat one meal at the end of the day, and give my digestive system and pancreas a rest for the day. I drink a few cups of Yerbe Mate or Pu'erh tea to help curb my appetite but otherwise eat nothing until around 6pm, which, if I have eaten my dinner at 6pm the previous day, has given me a solid 24 hours without food.

This way of eating seems so much easier than the grim slog of day in, day out calorie restriction that many diets recommend. You know that you will get to eat at the end of the day, and you'll get to eat normally the following day. It also takes the ambivalence out of it; the "will-I-or-won't-I-have-another-biscuit" thing that so often plagues dieters.

I'm simply not eating all day so the decision is made. Once you've started out the day not eating, the motivation is strong to see it through. Hunger may come and go during the day, but it's nothing horrific, and the next meal is just around the corner.

Plus, if the weight loss and life extension promises aren't motivation enough, a fasting day is often simpler; no need to worry about what to take to work for lunch, or having to go and buy something. Think of the money saved buying a crappy lunch in an overpriced sandwich shop 2 days a week if you need another excuse to give intermittent fasting a try!

Our cells are constantly dividing all the way through our lives. The faster this happens, the more quickly we age, and more division brings a greater risk of DNA mutation and therefore cancer. Fasting switches our bodies from 'growth mode' into 'repair mode' by reducing a hormone called IGF-1. This repairs DNA damage in our bodies and mops up the effects of stress. Sounds pretty good right?

With endorsements from the likes of Hugh Fernly-Wittingsall and Dr. Mercola the trend looks set to continue. Will you be trying this yourself?
Chloe Brotheridge is a qualified hypnotherapist and nutritionist based in London. See http://www.easywaytochange.co.uk for more information.

Lose Weight Fast by Fasting

Lose weight fast is a hot topic nowadays. While there are countless weight loss programs in the market, their level of effectiveness varies. Different people respond differently. However there is one method that works for all - fasting.

Fasting is not something new. In fact, it is one of the oldest therapeutic methods known to man. Great thinkers and philosophers such as Plato and Socrates both practiced fasting to attain mental and physical efficiency.

As we all know, the golden rule to lose weight fast and successful is DIET + EXERCISE. If you don't want to do either or both of them, I would say your successful chance is very limit.

Many raised the issue of 'starvation' when I suggested fasting. In fact, if you are looking to lose weight, I am sure you have more than sufficient food storage inside your body to keep you survive through a one-week fasting. Let say a car needs fuel to run, our body needs food to run. If you stop inputting food, your body will naturally make use of your food storage (mainly fat) to be the fuel to keep your metabolism running, hence achieving the result of weight loss.

I am not a medical professional, but this is somewhat common sense that it is not difficult to search for proof over the internet.

Preparing for Fasting
Be DETERMINED. This is the most important factor to determine whether you are going to succeed or not. The first two days of fasting is going to be difficult, as you need to suppress your natural desire for food. You would need determination to survive through these two days. Once you are up to the third day, you are fine. I'm sure you won't look back to your old ways of eating.
Upon finishing your one-week fasting, eat some congee or corn flakes to allow a grace period of a day or two for your body to resume solid food.

Idea of Intermittent Fasting
In fact juice fasting and water fasting are the most common ways of fasting. Both can achieve the result of losing one pound a day. In fact, if you ask people with any kind of fasting experience, you will get a similar answer.

I would say if seven pounds is your target of weight loss, then a one-week juice fasting would be ideal. What if you want to lose weight further? Certainly we will need a long term plan. Intermittent fasting (IF) is one which is growing in popularity. IF is a long term weight loss strategy as to go on a 24-hour fasting once or twice a week, depending on your need. Some people can go on as many as four or five times a week. With an ongoing IF program, you should be able to lose weight progressively and naturally and eventually maintain a healthy and stable body weight.

NOTE: Please seek professional medical advice prior to initiating any form of nutritional program.
Anna has suffered from indigestion problems since 1989. In 2006 she has taken an important step in her life as to change her eating habit, by practicing juice fasting and intermittent fasting. She has achieved natural weight loss and gained great improvements on her appearance in addition to gaining back her confidence and stay healthy.
She has raised a blog to share her fasting success experience.
Intermittent Fasting Success Report

Fast Ways To Lose Weight Today

Here are some fast ways to lose weight that also create lifestyle habits that help you lose weigh through daily choices rather than a dangerous crash diet that can get you on a roller coaster ride. If you implement these ideas you will be able to get rid of the weight once and then keep it off. Once you get started on the way to your ideal weight you will find pounds melting off and energy levels going up.

What Not To Drink
First let's look at your daily routine, do you drink pop, or have a daily latte or energy drink? Start now to substitute them with other drinks more of the time, water and unsweetened tea are two choices easy on the waistline. Whenever you are thirsty for a pop or other sugar drink, try a tall glass of water instead, as that may help you past the strongest urges. Losing weight is not going to be easy, you will have to make some changes but you can do it. What I want to do is encourage you to start making changes now and to give you some strategies that will make weight loss less painful.

Start Today
I recommend you begin today to create a habit for weight control by replacing at least one meal a day with a healthy smoothie recipe for weight loss. There are scores of smoothie recipes available that you can experiment with and enjoy. If you replace one meal each day with a smoothie, you'll find its one of the fastest ways to lose weight.

The benefit of all the choices, is that you will have enough variety that you can always find a wonderful meal replacement that refreshes and fills you up. All the nutrients found in fresh fruits and vegetables in a smoothie will make it easy for you to skip a big meal and by extension take in less calories. Less calories is the key, you will find that you can cut your food intake while increasing your energy levels by replacing one meal a day.

Crash Diets
Now that you have made a decision to drink less sugar drinks (if you drink soda pop daily and you stop doing so, you could see a 7 pound weight drop in 30 days) and, you have committed to a smoothie meal replacement each day, you are making choices that can become a lifestyle leading to weight control.
Among the fast ways to lose weight today are popular crash diets like those used by movie stars. Beyonce Knowles is famous for a number of things, and she has made a diet she has used successfully famous. The "lemonade diet" has been reported to help you lose weight in as little as 10 days. The diet is simple, you take in no other food except lemonade. A minimum of 6 glasses a day, but really all you can drink for two reasons, one, you will want to do everything you can to get that full feeling because this is going to feel like starvation. That feeling is appropriate, since you are literally starving yourself for 10 days. The second reason is that lemonade is a powerful detoxing agent and will give your body a deep cleansing of all the junk you've been storing up in your fat cells and colon. Gee this sounds swell, for me its going to be a healthy smoothie for weight loss.

Once you begin any diet you must drink a lot of water, keep in mind that the world renowned "Mayo Clinic" says that a male should drink 13 cups of water every 24 hours a woman should drink 9. Hydration is vital especially if you are going on a crash diet. With the Scarsdale diet some have lost as much as 15 pounds in 14 days eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Hey that sounds like a smoothie, before it's been in the blender. You are allowed to snack throughout the day with celery and carrots as well as enjoy a light breakfast daily, such as toast and half a grapefruit. The Scarsdale diet is a popular diet that has produced many success stories and has the added attraction of actually letting you eat regularly.

Good Luck Journey to Health
I encourage you to get started today, you must begin, and the first step is often the hardest. I also encourage you to make the changes permanent by using healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss and drinking lots of water in place of pop as two fast ways to lose weight.
Get started today, follow these links to learn more about healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss or information on diet shakes.

Water and Weight Los

Water is the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off. Almost one-half of Canadians are either obese or overweight; in the United States a staggering 70% are overweight. These statistics corroborate other studies, which show that most North Americans do not drink nearly enough water. Proper hydration (8 - 8ounce glasses of water/ day) is critical to any weight loss program. You should also drink an extra glass of water for every 25 pounds of excess weight. Even mild dehydration will slow down the metabolism by as much as 3% causing fat deposits to increase.

Some nutrition counselors and fitness professionals use whole body, bio-impedance, body composition analyzers that can provide accurate readouts of body fat, lean mass and body water as part of their recommendations for a weight loss or fitness program. In order to effectively implement a weight loss program it is critical to accurately monitor these elements in order to achieve long- term results. Many diets will result in loss of body water or a combination of a loss of body water and loss of lean muscle mass. This will lower the metabolism, resulting in a reduced caloric intake requirements for weight loss maintenance. As it becomes more and more difficult to maintain this lowered caloric intake, the weight is ultimately regained, usually in the form of excess fat. Other health problems may also be experienced due to lack of proper hydration. An effective weight loss program should combine plenty of water, aerobic and anaerobic exercise and a moderate, well-balanced caloric intake that is not less than your basal metabolic rate. This type of regime will result in a gradual loss of fat while building lean mass and maintaining proper hydration. Regular body composition testing during the weight loss program will ensure that fat is being lost, while proper hydration maintained and muscle mass increased.

Water assists weight loss in the following way:
• Suppresses appetite
• Assists the body in metabolizing fat - if the kidneys are overloaded due to insufficient water, the liver, which normally metabolizes fat, must take over the kidney's job
• Reduces fat deposits in the body
• Relieves fluid retention problems
• Reduces sodium buildup
• Helps maintain muscle tone
• Rids the body of wastes and toxins
• Relieves constipation

When you are dehydrated, the body is forced to draw whatever water it can from the intestines and bowel, causing constipation. In addition, if the kidneys do not have enough water to dissipate waste, the liver will assist in the job. Normally the liver functions to metabolize stored fat. However, when the liver helps the kidneys function, some fat will not metabolize, which then contributes to weight gain. One of water's most important roles is to aid in the elimination of waste from the body, which is a substantial task during fat metabolism, as toxins tend to accumulate quickly. Ensuring that the body is well hydrated helps the colon function properly, which in turn supports fat loss.

Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Cravings are often misinterpreted as food cravings, when they are really thirst cravings. If you are not drinking enough water over an extended period of time your thirst mechanism shuts down, especially as you grow older. As you increase your regular water intake this thirst signal reactivates and lets you know the difference between a water and a food craving. It will also be easier to drink more water thereafter. In a University of Washington study it was found that a glass of water would suppress hunger pangs for 98% of dieters. It keeps the taste buds cleansed of flavours that could otherwise trigger cravings, and keeps your stomach feeling full.

Cold water, below 60 degrees, is absorbed by the body more quickly than room temperature water. In addition, cold water results in fat calories being burned to bring the water temperature up to internal body temperature of 98.6 degrees F. Your body will burn 31 calories bringing a quart of icy water to body temperature. Some people find that they may experience stomach cramps from this, so experiment to see if your body will adjust to this.

Many dieters do not drink enough water because they fear that it will lead to water retention. The opposite is actually the case. When the body gets insufficient amounts of water, it senses this as a threat and holds on to every drop. This results in swollen feet, legs and hands. Studies show that when you drink enough water, the body eliminates excess fluids. When your body is breaking down fats it needs even more water to help eliminate the extra waste that is produced.

Water helps to maintain proper muscle tone, which in turn aids proper muscle contraction and prevents dehydration. It also helps to prevent the sagging skin that usually follows weight loss. Shrinking cells are buoyed by water which plumps the skin and leaves it clear, healthy and resilient.

The American College of Sports Medicine notes that drinking an extra 2 liters of water per day while dieting will maximize the loss of fat as a percentage of total weight loss. Drinking more water will prove to be the simplest, least expensive, most powerful and longest lasting key to long-term fat reduction.
Further information about water, as it pertains to your health, can be found at:
Contact: christine[@]verawatersolutions[dot]com

Weight Loss and Exercise - How Much is Enough?

Weight loss programs vary in many ways, but they all have this in common: diet must be accompanied by exercise. Either one by itself is not sufficient. I have a good friend who bemoans the fact that no matter how carefully he eats, he can't get his weight down where it should be. He also refuses to get any exercise. Although this is a common scenario, the reverse is also true. I have seen lots of guys in the gym who work out like maniacs, but they don't reach their target weight because they refuse to give up poor eating habits.
Granted, a balance of diet and exercise must be present in your weight loss program. But between the extremes of the couch potato and the body builder, how much exercise is enough?

The good news is you don't have to work out like a maniac, you don't have to swallow fistfuls of weight loss medication, and you don't have to eat like a fashion model. A middle-path of reasonable eating patterns (the right foods at the right times) and moderate, but consistent exercise will promote quick healthy weight loss and long-term weight control.

I am presently testing a weight loss supplement and diet program called The Cheia Vida Slim 10 Day Slim Down Challenge, and reporting the results on my blog. (See below.) The simple, anyone-can-do-it exercise regimen that the creator of the program, Dr. Charles Rouse, recommends is this: just get 10 to 15 minutes of exercise twice per day. I know that some of you are thinking that this isn't enough to make a difference, and that's the worst thing you could think. Inevitably, this frame of mind leads to inactivity, and the calories keep turning into fat.

In fact, that's one of my stumbling blocks. I'm an old athlete who's accustomed to spending intense hour-long sessions in the gym 4-5 days per week. (But I haven't had a gym membership in 4 years, which has really helped my weight gain.) So when I hear about doing something for 10 minutes twice per day, it doesn't seem to me that it would be worth the effort to lace up my shoes.

This kind of all or nothing thinking is exactly what allows the weight gain to sneak up on us over time, as it did in my case, aided by the aging process. Instead of doing a little, we choose to do nothing, and so the extra grams of fat add up and eventually become pounds. Think of it as caloric compound interest.

So take a look at this: even 10 minutes twice per day adds up to 200 minutes in 10 days, or 3 hours and 20 minutes! Do it everyday for a month, and you have 10 hours of exercise with just two 10-minute sessions per day. 10 hours of fat-burning for just 20 minutes per day. I can do that. In fact, that's ridiculously easy.

It's ironic that we gain weight (fat) by adding on small amounts of extra calories (that our bodies don't need) on a daily basis, but we're so reluctant to reverse the process and add up the exercise in small daily amounts to burn some of those extra calories and negate the added weight. Incremental weight loss is just as possible as incremental weight gain.

Everybody, EVERYBODY, can find 10 minutes twice per day to simply walk briskly. (Just 15 minutes of brisk walking burns about 100 calories.) Dr. Rouse recommends starting the day, even before leaving for work if possible, by walking away from your home for 5 minutes, then walking back. If possible do it before you eat breakfast for best calorie -burning results.

Another way to get in some walking time: just park farther away from your place of work, or from the front of the mall or the grocery store. Anytime you have the chance to walk an extra 50 or 100 feet or more, do it. I started doing this several years ago, and now I don't even think about it. (Though often a friend will ask, "Why are we parking way out here?") Again, it's terribly easy to do. If I hadn't been doing this over the last few years, I'd probably be carrying an additional 5 pounds right now.

If you take a long-term view with this approach, you'll really benefit. Instead of the extra weight we add on over the weeks and months and years, do the same with a little exercise. Taking advantage of these mini-workouts will add up to serious calorie burning if done consistently. Sure, sometimes you'll have to miss a day, but you can make it up when you have more time.

That's the beauty of this little bit here, and little bit there approach: it's easy, and it works, if you'll just do it. Step up your activity level and burn some fat. Admittedly, during my product test, I'm attempting fast weight loss. For this to happen, the Cheia Vida Slim weight loss pill (capsule actually) has to do its job and burn fat, suppress my appetite, and help clean some of the gunk out of my system. We'll see if it does.
And heres more good news: when you exercise, you feel better immediately. Instant gratification! And the good feeling you experience makes you want to do it again. Then when you start dropping a few pounds, you feel even better! Now you're excited to keep it going.

What you've done is create a process that feeds on itself. Momentum. Sort of like pushing a car on a slight down-hill grade: the difficult part is getting it moving. Once you do, it wants to keep on going. So although it may be hard to get started, do it! Get moving, a little bit here and a little bit there, and start burning some calories. Within a few weeks, it will become a healthy weight loss habit you can be proud of.
Paul W. Whitten is a life-long nutrition, health, & fitness enthusiast. In addition, he writes about generating a passive online income at [http://automatedwealthexplosion.com/blog]

How to Gain Weight For Women - How to Go From Skinny to Curvy and Put on Weight Fast

To a society that seems obsessed with LOSING weight, it may seem strange when you ask how you can GAIN weight. Ask anyone how to lose weight and they'll run off a huge list diets, contraptions, clubs and gizmos that everyone seems to have tried, but without much success. However, ask people how skinny girls can put on weight, and you'll no doubt get a blank expression or worse, a sarcastic and questioning answer like "why do you want to put on weight? I wish I had your 'problem'!"

Well, to the hardgainer like you and me this IS a real problem, as being skinny affects our confidence, health and self-esteem. But every problem has a solution, and so today I'm gonna give you 5 tips that skinny girls are using to solve the problem of how to gain weight for women.
You ready?...let's go!

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 1 - Put On Some Muscle
Packing on a few pounds of muscle is the surest and healthiest way for women to put on weight and accentuate their natural sexy curves. Muscle weighs more than fat so it makes sense to put on muscle weight rather than fat, plus you get to decide where the muscles grow (I say this because people put fat on in different places depending on their body type...trust me, it'll always end up where you least want it - typically on a woman this is around her butt and waist)

Don't be afraid of building muscle by weight training - you won't get huge like Arnie or anything...in fact a woman's body simply doesn't produce enough testosterone to get big.
Make a weight training routine part of your workouts at the gym and you'll put on weight quickly and in the places that you want.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 2 - Reduce Your Cardio Exercises
Cardio is a staple part of most womens workouts and is always recommended in most magazines, but if you're looking for how to gain weight, then cardio will actually be making your life more difficult, as it is simply burning more fat and calories and leaving nothing for your body to store.
If you're looking to gain weight, sort out a workout routine that focuses more on mass building exercises like weights and less on cardio.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 3 - Sleep More
And you thought this weight gain for women thing was all gonna be hard work? This is the easy bit, and the most often overlooked.
When we sleep our bodies produce natural growth hormones which help repair our muscles and enable to gain weight and muscle mass. The highest secretions of these hormones are during deep sleep, and so it is important to get a good night's rest when thinking about how to gain weight for women. Around 8 hours is ideal. Try to eliminate as much stress from your daily life as possible as this can affect your sleep and cause to lose more weight rather than gain it.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 4 - Eat More
In addition to starting a weight training program you should be eating a lot more. Muscle mass and weight are gained by consuming more calories than we burn off, so you should consume an extra 500-1000 calories per day compared to the average woman (avg. is around 2000, so you should try to get about 2,500-3000 per day).
Split this over 6 smaller meals per day and focus on your proteins - which are the building blocks of muscle.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 5 - Use Protein Powders And Shakes
To build muscle and gain weight you'll need to focus on your proteins - around 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight (i.e. if you weigh 150 pounds then you should be consuming around 150 grams of protein per day).
The best way to consume these proteins is in the form of natural foods like lean meats, fish, beans and pulses, eggs and milk. However, this can be difficult in today's busy lifestyles, so think about incorporating a protein shake into your daily meal plans. One serving of a protein shake can provide you with as much as 50-60 grams of protein in one shot, so it's extremely convenient.
Read more about protein powders for women at my website ==> Protein Powder For Women
Discover the secrets of how a frail ex-runway model packed on 10 pounds of strong muscle in 3 months becoming a top fitness model in the process ==> How To Gain Weight For Women

How To Lose 20 Pounds In A Month - Tips And Diet

It doesn't feel good when you look at the mirror and notice that the clothes you used to wear doesn't fit you anymore. It really feels depressing when you go shopping and see sexy dresses that you want to get but not possible for you to dress in. And it's not inspiring when your secret crush don't notice you at all. Being unnoticed and being ignored is not that easy to handle with.

How many times you desire to have a sexy body like some actor, actress, sexy stars and even athletes? How many times you exert effort to be like them? Yes, effort, determination, willingness and patience is your key for all of these. If you all have this positive outlook then it will be easier for you to take actions rather than words.

I can encourage you by saying that there are ways on how to lose 20 pounds of your weight in a month. A change of healthy lifestyle like eating habit, some exercises and some weight loss tips. Make a smart decision in your meal choices. Eating 4 smaller meals a day is not bad at all. It will keep you from getting hungry to avoid overeating which results to gaining weight. At the same time it will increase your metabolism and help you lose weight.

Avoid eating white meat (carbohydrates) like pasta, fried foods, potatoes, bread, rice, cereals. Instead replace it with raw fruits and vegetables like carrots, banana, apple, broccoli or celery. It will help you lose weight fast. Fiber fruits and vegetables also helps to cut down your weight. It will clean your body toxins and will help increase in metabolism. it can be found in fruits like mango, pineapple, banana, berries, guava, orange and prunes. Vegetables rich in fiber like broccoli, cabbage, mushroom, spinach and sweet potatoes.

Keep away from drinking sweetened fruit juice, normal soda's, malted milk, coffee with cream etc. Instead drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated and reduced amount of cravings to lose big appetite. Forgetting about riding in a car is a one way to lose 20 lbs in a month. Walking for an hour is one of the easiest exercise that can burn fat. In the morning have a walk with your favorite dog. And try to put your headset on, listen to music while jogging.

Riding a bike while going to the market, church or even to your house friend can also help you lose 20 pounds in a month. After this warm ups try basic exercises like, squats, sit ups, push ups, crunches, calf raises and pull ups.

Change your food diets. Change the way you eat "heathy" food. If you want to lose 20 pounds a month, check out this Jennifer diet program for more information. It's time to realize what is good and what is better for you and your love ones. Eating unhealthy frozen prepared box foods is like saying "I don't care about you" to your own body. Why do you want to do that?
(C) Vicky D. Taylor

The Best Exercise to Lose Weight Starting Today

Thousands of people with excess weight feel that they have gained it out of nowhere, but in reality it is due to a poor diet and a lifestyle without exercise. As a result, it is impossible to see immediate results when you are just starting to exercise to lose weight.

Exercise is a key component to weight loss but it can be confusing to figure out how much you need and where to start.

If you are just beginning, the best exercise for weight loss is a basic cardio program and a full body resistance training routine. You'll want to have recovery days to allow your body to rest and your muscles to recover. A typical beginner program will include about 3 days of cardio and 2 days of strength training.

If you are a little more experienced, you should a combination of higher intensity interval training and strength training into your weekly routine. A research study confirmed this by following one group of who did three days of strength training and three days of cardio each week. When comparing the group who did both interval training and strength training to a group who just did cardio training, researchers found that the group who did both reduced more belly fat and increased their lean muscle tissue.

Best Exercise to Lose Weight: Interval Training
Interval training means switching between higher intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods. By adding higher intensity intervals, you can build endurance and burn more calories. For example, if you use a treadmill, change the speed and incline regularly during your workout. Do not just stick at one speed and incline for the whole time. You can use any machine with this method or you can do it outside with something like hill sprints.

Best Exercise to Lose Weight: Strength Training
Strength training is the best exercise to build lean muscle and raise your metabolism. It is important to raise your metabolism because it is responsible for how quickly or easily you gain and lose weight.

The best exercise to lose weight when strength training is to target more than one muscle group at one time, like squats, lunges, push-ups and pull-ups.

Changing your training routine is an integral part of the success your workouts but it shouldn't be drastically different every single time. If you are all over the place on each workout and never try to repeat and improve on specific exercises for specific set and rep schemes with specific rest intervals, then your body has no basis to improve on its current condition.

The best exercise to lose weight is to continually improve on a specific training method for a specific time period, which is on average 4-8 weeks. This usually works best as your body will adapt to the specific training method and after 8 weeks progress will slow down so it is time to change your workout routine.

The Best Exercise to Lose Weight: Supersets
Supersets are another best exercise to lose weight. A superset is an advanced training method in which you do two exercises (or sets), one after the other, with no rest in between. They can even be completely different, for example a strength exercise followed by a cardio exercise. The idea is to do one exercise and, instead of resting and doing another set, doing a different exercise and alternating those exercises for your desired number of sets. Supersets not only help you lose weight, they also save time, add intensity and help you bust through weight loss plateaus.

Do you want to know more about the best exercise to lose weight? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to learn the best workout techniques plus receive nutritional tips for fat loss, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for a lean body? Discover the most popular program on the internet that truthfully shows you how to lose weight and get fit with a safe, proven and long lasting system at http://howtogetflatabsfast.org/

More Muscle Less Fat Customizing Your Diet

Do the words diet and dieting have the same meaning or are they two completely different words? Most believe that it means something that you go on and once you have met your goal or goals then you can stop. Wrong that mindset simply does not work. The words diet and dieting have been terribly misconstrued over time in general. Diet, meaning the foods and any supplementation that you intake is considered your diet. While dieting only denotes a set regimen or program you follow to attain a set goal usually weight loss.

As you know there are many "diets" that have been created over the years. I will list a few you've probably heard of. Have you heard of Sugar Busters, Weight Watchers, the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet and of course the list goes on.

I'll go over each of these briefly. Sugar Busters basic focus is to eliminate foods high in sugar content while also eliminating foods that may raise blood sugar levels. But just eliminating sugar alone from your diet will not reduce fat or increase weight loss. Now Weight Watchers is a system designed to count calories and follow portion control to reach your desired goal. The Atkins Diet is a plan that eliminates carbohydrates during the early phase of regimen and is also a low nutrient diet. Finally there is the South Beach Diet. It does offer balanced eating, lean proteins, good fats, and good carbohydrates. It also focuses on how heavily the role of insulin and blood sugar spikes create hunger.

These all probably work to some degree but what they lack is a full balanced system.
The word "diet" should only mean foods and supplement that one intakes. Also the customization of your food intake should be considered, your body type and medical history should all weigh in to that equation. Of course your goals must be considered. Are you trying to lose fat, lose weight, gain muscle, create flexibility or just achieve overall better health and fitness. Of course this should be your overall goal!

The word diet in my mind should denote foods and supplements with exercise that creates a source for your body to burn fat naturally. They must also continue to do this. Balance is always the key to longevity and fruitfulness. Your metabolism is key to all of the above mentioned. The more it works for you the less you have to. Not to say that you have to do nothing at all for this to work 100%. Another key component is muscle. Muscle burns fat. One pound of muscle burns 50 calories. These are two critical components to attaining any long term goals continually. Lets say that if you engage in a low impact type of activity such as aerobics, jogging, pilates or yoga won't help you lose weight what it will do is help you lose muscle which in turn with no muscle to burn the fat your right back to the beginning, trying to lose weight.

The body needs a fuel source that being carbohydrates (glycogen) and fat or fat stores. It then looks for protein when looking for fuel sources. It begins to deplete muscle tissue which is not what we want to do because what it does is create an opportunity to gain fat or gain weight. That's why one of the components of the plan includes a program that will help you add muscle you need to burn fat. The last component is protein. This is ultimately what muscle needs to create muscle. They ignite or jump start the digestive process of everything we put in our mouths.

Obviously this process and components necessary may seem complicated but in actuality is not.
"Do you use this four letter word "? and "what is your favorite"? I hope this one is your favorite new one Diet. It has been terribly misconstrued over the years and needs to be corrected. There should be no such thing as going on a diet. Only diet in the sense that it is a complex list of foods and supplementation of such that one intakes along with a complete regimen of a multitude of exercises which we'll go into detail in the follow-up.

Ten Tips to Losing Weight

You can lose weight only when your calorie expenditure is higher than your calorie intake. Dietary changes and regular physical activities are usually sufficient for balancing the calorie intake and expenditure.
The goal of a fat loss diet is to reduce the calorie consumption without causing nutritional deficiency. Exercises help the body to utilize the fat reserve of the body for meeting the energy requirement during activities. Regardless of your age and health condition, you can easily shed the excess flab with the help of appropriate physical activities and diet.

Tips to Lose Weight

1. Reduce Calorie Intake
We gain weight by eating high calorie low nutrient foods and by eating large portions. To lose weight, count the calories. Reduce the portion sizes and include nutritious low calorie foods in your diet.

2. Eat Complex Carbohydrates
Carbohydrate is the major energy source of the body. About 50 to 55 percent of your daily calorie requirement is met from carbohydrate foods. To lose weight, add only complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, brown bread, vegetables and fruits to your diet. Complex carbohydrates by keeping you full for a longer time, helps to reduce hunger.

3. Avoid Added Sugar
Sugar increases the calorie value of your diet. Sugary treats are rapidly digested, making you hungry easily. To lose weight, avoid foods and beverages containing sugar and processed carbohydrates.

4. Limit Saturated Fats
People on low fat and low calorie diet should stay away from saturated fats. The calorie loaded animal fats increase the fat reserve of the body.

5. Eat Healthy Fats
However, you can consume a small amount of plant fats such as olive oil and avocado. Fish oil is also good for health. Moreover, the unsaturated fats help to drive away unhealthy fats from the body.

6. Exercise Daily
Moderate intensity cardio workouts at least for 30 minutes, five days a week, help to burn fats. As you become accustomed to your workout schedule, consider increasing the difficulty level and duration of the workout to lose more weight.

7. Strength Training
Strength training helps to maintain healthy body weight by reducing body fat and increasing the lean muscle mass.

8. Sleep Well
The metabolism rate of the body is affected by the quality of sleep. Your body needs sufficient sleep to maintain the healthy metabolism rate that helps it to burn fats.

9. Drink Plenty of Water
Dehydration can slow down the metabolism rate of the body. Drink plenty of water to maintain the normal metabolism rate.

10. Do not Skip Meals
The body switches into hoarding mode when you fast or skip meals. To lose weight, eat four to six small meals throughout the day.
Joshua "Coach" Kozak has been a fixture in the world of health and fitness for over 10 years. My favorite website for I Loved This and the best Read Full Article online

Weight Loss - Developing Your Own Weight Loss Program

Are you interested in losing weight? If you are, you may have been told to create your own weight loss plan. Weight loss plans, which serve as guides and motivation for many individuals, have been known to help many achieve their diet goals. Although it is more than possible for you to join a local weight loss program or an online program and have a weight loss plan given to you, many take comfort in creating their own, customizable diet plans.
If this is your first time attempting to create a diet plan for yourself, you may be unsure as to how you should proceed. If that is the case, you will want to continue reading on. Below, a few of the many components of a weight loss plan are outlined for your convenience.
Perhaps, the most important component of a diet plan is that of healthy eating. Healthy eating is a vital component of losing weight. When it comes to healthy eating, you don't necessarily need to cut junk foods, like chocolate, completely out of your diet, yet you should limit your intake. If you find that you have a problem cutting junk food or sweets from your diet, you may want to create an eating schedule for yourself. That eating schedule could include days or meals where you allow yourself to have a treat. In a way, you can consider that time as a reward for doing so well.
In addition to making a generalized schedule for yourself, you may also want to create a more detailed eating schedule. To get started, you may want to research healthy recipes online or buy a healthy eating cookbook. Once you have a collection of healthy foods to make, you can better plan out all of your meals. To help prevent you from becoming bored with eating the same foods over and over again, you may want to experiment with different healthy foods and healthy recipes. The best way to keep yourself focused and on task is to "spice," up your weight loss plan as much as possible.
Aside from eating healthy, another important component of losing weight is regular exercise. That is why your weight loss or diet plan should include exercise. Similar to the healthy eating schedule outlined above, you may want to create an exercise schedule for yourself. When incorporating exercise into your workout plan, you have a number of different options. For instance, you can get a membership at one of your local gyms, buy workout DVDs to use at home, buy other exercise equipment, like a treadmill or a stair climber, or exercise for free with walking.

If you do decide to create your own exercise plan, there is something that you may be missing out on. Should you join an online weight loss program or a local weight loss program, you would likely be a part of a larger group; a group that offers support to each other. When creating your own weight loss plan, you may not necessarily have that same support. For that reason, you may want to think about seeing if you have any friends, family members, neighbors, or coworkers who would like to exercise with you. Having a workout partner may help give you the support that you need, as well as serve as a little bit of motivation for you.

When creating a diet plan for you, you are advised to put your plan in writing. You may even want to turn to your computer, as many computers have nice template programs that you can use to make easy to read schedules or charts. Having your weight loss plan in writing, namely the exercises that you wish to do and the foods that you wish to eat and when, may help to motivate you with losing weight. What you may want to do is post your schedules in a well-seen spot, like on your refrigerator.

In short, weight loss plans serve as guides, as well as motivation. The above mentioned points are ones that you should keep in mind, when making a weight loss plan for yourself.
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