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3 Best Ways To Lose Stomach Fat

Expert Author Jon Allo

For some people who think that the best exercise to lose belly fat is to get on a treadmill and doing the same routine operation at all times . They also reduce their food intake and continue to add more time devoted to cardio machine . But they do not see results ? Why is that?

You will never see the results you want results to a continuous and repetitive cardio exercise program. The reason is that the only thing that burns fat in the body is muscle. You must create a greater muscle mass to burn that extra fat and undesirable .

Cardio exercise makes the body more efficient . This may sound good , but not help those who want to lose weight. Your body becomes used to work at a certain level and thus leveling you do not have to use more energy than necessary. The combination of this cardio workout and reduces food intake , your body thinks it is starving and therefore clings to every calorie you eat and stores outside to end the effects of famine.

So what are the best ways to lose belly fat ?

Weight resistance .

Lifting weights is not entirely without getting bigger muscles . This is why women are often reluctant to add resistance training to your workouts , and do not want to look bulky . To avoid big muscles , make a mixture of exercises that work the whole body. This way , you get all the muscles to burn body fat and expected results will be achieved much faster. Do not include resistance training in your workout. Remember, the best way to burn fat is to build muscle, because muscle burns more calories, even at rest.

Interval workouts .

Interval training is a set of high intensity exercise followed by low intensity exercise at different times . These periods of high and low activity of your body to function much more than if you had kept pace for a period of time. If you're on the treadmill, you can incorporate short bursts run faster on your jogging routine . If you're less fit, you can alternate leisurely walking with periods of faster walking . The exercise more vigorously , the more calories you burn is done, even if you increase intensity for a few minutes at a time.

Eat lots of good food.

By reducing your calorie intake significantly intact, your body thinks it has to hold on to every calorie consumed to stop hunger and possible damage . But as long as you eat the right types of food, there is no reason to deprive yourself of nutritious and healthy food when it comes to losing weight.

Keep away from food pre - processed and packaged foods . Processed foods are foods that have been altered from their natural state in order to prolong its life . Foods that come in a box , can , bag or box are processed. They are often of poor quality and have no nutritional value at all. Foods cooked or prepared with fresh and local ingredients are much healthier .

3 Veggies That Help to Burn Stomach Fat

Specific vegetables that actually help to stimulate the burning of stomach fat ? Sounds crazy ?

Well , check it out below and see why it is not so farfetched .

First, a fact that you may not realize is that there are certain chemicals in our food and environment, such as pesticides , herbicides, and petrochemicals that have an estrogenic effect in our body. This problem can increase belly fat in men and women , so pay attention .

These are called xenoestrogens , and exposure to these chemicals in our food supply , water supply and the environment is a factor that can actually stimulate your body to store belly fat . The problem is that in today's world, even if you eat organic and live in a relatively low-pollution area , it is almost impossible not to get at least some degree of daily exposure to xenoestrogens . They are even in household cleaners and cosmetics !

So how can you fight against these xenoestrogens so that you do not force the body to keep the belly fat?

Well, it is for these types of vehicles that show you can help.

There are many classes of vegetables , teas , spices, etc that have compounds which can help combat the effects of xenoestrogens . However, one of the most powerful classes are cruciferous vegetables like broccoli , kale , Brussels sprouts , cauliflower , cabbage, etc.

These types of cruciferous vegetables contain very unique compounds ( phytonutrients ) such as indole - 3-carbinol (I3C ) that can help to fight against the effects of xenoestrogens in your body, and therefore can help to burn abdominal fat more effective.

As if you needed another excuse to eat more broccoli and cauliflower ... Now you can add losing stomach fat to the list!

Now here's the cool thing ...

In this article , I'll show you my program that explains specific teas , spices, and other sources of these unique compounds that help to fight against xenoestrogens and help you burn belly fat faster and more efficiently .

Discover A Powerful And Gainful Fitness Marketing Approach

When you start to engage in a certain business, it's important to learn and to implement the fundamental steps needed to make it grow. Marketing is the significant key that makes every business loom. Without a doubt, it is the life blood of any business enterprise. Every business owner wants to have a flourishing business; however, not all know how to do and provide their businesses with proper business and marketing management. It will be rewarding when your endeavour has resulted to something beautiful. If you run a marketing campaign and it worked beautifully, then it will definitely give your business an edge. In order for you to generate high sales and revenue, you need to become competitive with concern to marketing your firm. You must let people recognise the services or products your business has to offer so that you will have more clients later on. Behind every successful health club there's a powerful and gainful fitness marketing approach used. In order to achieve your business goals, you need to attract many potential customers. Before you do this, you need first to ensure that you provide outstanding facilities and effective fitness programs.

No matter how effective your health programs are, they are useless if you don't know how to promote your gym and attract enough number of clients. You need to create unique and attractive ways in promoting your gym centre. It is advantageous to create awareness to the public regarding your personal gym. The interest of the people to go to a fitness centre must grow. To make it happen, you must take into account the necessary actions that could help you achieve a progressive business. Every campaign has its pros and cons; therefore, you need to weigh them before you decide to use them for your business development. In terms of advertising, you must exert a tremendous effort if you want to achieve a consistent and lucrative business.

Gym instructors must possess positive attitudes to make the clients feel that they are being valued. To keep them coming back in your gym, you must provide them with worthwhile and enjoyable training lessons. You need to motivate them in a good way so that they will get the right satisfaction and they will introduce your centre to their friends and other people. This is a great way to harness your business' potential.

In fitness center marketing, you must understand its importance so that you will be able to do it in a perfect way. Get to know all the pros and cons of it right from the outset if you want to obtain a guaranteed result. Advertising your business online is certainly the most effective and fastest way to make it become popular.

The author writes about fitness marketing. Visit his website to find out more about this topic.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Evie_M_Barraclough

The Secret to Physical Exercise and Training

Everything thing I have and everything I am as a person has come from my passion for sports and for training.

I am a ridiculously happy person. I love life and I get excited about the unlimited opportunities we have in this age.

I am blessed with my job. I don't have clients like most trainers. I have a family of people that I teach my passion to. They are wonderful people and as such I want to do everything in my power to help them achieve their goals and to do it as quickly as possible. There is a special energy in the air when a group of people work hard together for a common goal. The goal of self improvement.

After completing a tough session I am on a high. I know that no matter what else happens that day - I am a better person. I am stronger or faster or healthier etc

That is a win in any language!

So what will training do for you?

After training seriously for 20 years I can tell you one thing for sure. I believe with all my heart that there is a secret that many people don't know. Or that do know and have long forgotten.

That is the relationship between happiness, confidence and positivity and this amazing process called Physical Exercise.

Put the benefits physical exercise has on your health, metabolism and appearance aside. Physical exercise without a doubt will make you a Happier person. It will make you a more confident person and it will make you more positive!

Think about it for a minute. How hard do you work and how much money do you spend on trying to be happy, confident and positive. It is pretty much our life mission. Naturally we strive to be happy.

Please trust me. All these amazing benefits come from physical exercise! Don't believe me? I challenge you to join a group exercise program with nice people, train for three weeks and tell me I'm wrong. Give it a try and I will guarantee you will believe it was worth it.

Every week I train groups of people together. I have met so many different personality types, different people with different careers, backgrounds and families. All of them... and I mean all of them that have trained for more than four weeks have changed dramatically. They hold themselves differently now, they look at the same world but through different eyes. They naturally now focus on the positive occurrences in their lives and have more energy to chase their dreams. It is obvious - they have discovered the secret relationship between physical exercise and feeling amazing!

Use your courage, take the challenge and start to love life even more!

Cameron is the owner and Head Trainer of Pro Train Fitness in Darlinghurst Sydney. Cameron's mission in life is to convert anyone who doesn't love exercise into an individual who is passionate about sport and fitness. He utilises his unique Indoor Bootcamps and energy to assist people in losing fat and building muscle. Most importantly he ensures you have a fantastic time training. If you want to change your life give Cam a call on 0405 925 500 or check out the protrainfitness website at http://www.protrainfitness.com.au

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cameron_J_Smith

Top 9 Efficacious Weight Loss Supplements

Impact of Weight Gain on Our Health

Weight gain or increased body weight can be a result of many reasons, such as increasing fat deposits, muscle mass or intake of surplus fluids such as water. This condition is termed as obesity, which can pose many health problems, some of which can be potentially life threatening. According to a research, chances of an overweight person of dying early are twice as compared to a person with normal weight.

Increased Risk of High Blood Pressure

Obesity can cause high blood pressure among individuals. The chances of an obese person getting high blood pressure are twofold as compared to a healthy person with normal weight.

Risk of Stroke

Formation of blood clots in arteries can cause strokes. These blood clots are formed due to constant high blood pressure, insufficient amount of exercise and high cholesterol, which are all associated with obesity. Hence, increased weight can also increase the risk of stroke.

Heart Disease

Obesity can lead to various heart related problems, such as congestive heart failure, chest pains and unexpected cardiac death.


Excessive weight gain can also be a reason for different forms of cancers, such as breast, gall bladder, prostrate, kidney, colon and endometrial cancer.


Even slight gain in weight can shoot up the risk level of a person becoming diabetic. Obesity especially increases the risk of type 2 diabetes in an individual.

Diseases Related to Gall Bladder

People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from gall bladder related diseases than those with a balanced weight.

Respiratory Problems

Major respiratory problems due to obesity consist of hyperventilation syndrome, severe bronchitis, asthma, and respiratory deficiency.

Problems during Pregnancy

Obesity can lead to problems among expecting mothers and infants. It can lead to birth defects in babies and an increased risk of high blood pressure in mothers.


Every single pound a person gains increases the risk of arthritis and other muscular-skeletal diseases.

Social and Emotional Problems

According to research, obesity can cause psychological problems among people. Obese people may often feel depressed, under confident and in depths of despair.

Thanks to medical science and technology, obesity can be treated. There are many modern ways that involve medication, specially designed workout routines and even surgeries that can help you get rid of extra fat in your body. One such extremely popular method is weight loss supplements.

Weight Loss Supplements - Do they work?

Weight loss supplements along with a healthy diet plan and regular physical exercise can help you shed a considerable amount of weight. The supplements support weigh loss through;
Decreasing your appetite
Increasing the rate of metabolism
Blocking the absorption of fat in body

Even though losing weight through supplements is a slow process, but it enhances your psychological and physical health and lifestyle tremendously. Some supplements might have serious side effects; therefore, you should get a doctor to prescribe the one which best suits you.

Top 9 Weight Loss Supplements


According to various studies, lipozene is a supplement that helps a person reduce weight and burn body fat. It is said to have all natural ingredients present in it. If consumed before food, lipozene helps a person feel full quicker, while reducing the appetite.


Lipozene consists of Glucomannan, which lowers your appetite and helps you feel full for a longer period of time

How it Works?

Glucomannan present in lipozene forms a dietary fiber gel in your stomach that takes away your appetite and makes you feel full. It reduces your food and calorie intake while adding fiber to your diet. Glucomannan upon coming in contact with water increases in size, which enlarges the stomach, therefore telling your brain that you are stomach is full.

Price: A unit costs about $29.95

African Mango


African mango consists of;
Irvingia Gabonensis
Green Tea Extract
Acai Berry Extract
White Kidney Bean Extract
L- Carnitine
Cissus quandrangularis
These ingredients mentioned above help a person
Reduce cholesterol levels
Increase levels of energy in a body
Shed weight
Fight fatigue
Reduce blood sugar level
Increase metabolism
Increase fat oxidation
Increase the cholesterol that is benefits us, known as HDL.

How it Works?

African Mango enhances the leptin sensitivity in your body. Leptin is a hormone that lessens the amount of hunger signals coming from the brain, which leads to a controlled food intake.

Price: A units costs about $39.95

Garcinia Cambogia Extract


Garcinia Cambogia Extract contains
HCA (Naturally occurring Hydroxycitric Acid)

How it Works?

Hydroxycitric acid found in Garcinia Cambogia helps you lose weight by blocking fat production and storage, reducing stress levels, enhancing our mood, keeping us full for longer, controlling food cravings and reducing emotional eating.

Price: A unit costs about $29.60

Plexus Slim

Polydextrose, a soluble fiber, is calorie free and helps weight loss
Citric Acid
Beet root
Grape skin extract consists of phytonutrients, such as proanthocyanidins, which act as antioxidants
Lo Han Extract
Stevia, a sweetener, added to various low calorie foods
Natural flavors

How it Works?

Plexus slim is quite safe and effective for weight control. It helps regulate blood sugars, maintain a healthy blood pressure and blood sugar level. Plexus slim also increases lipid levels and beneficial cholesterol in your body.

Price: A unit costs approxiamately $84.95

Hydroxycut Max

Ingredients and How They Assist in Weight Loss?

Hydroxycut Max consists of ingredients, such as amino acids like L-threonine, L-alanine, L-isoleucine and L-serine, caffeine and herbs consisting of wild olive leaves, lady mantle leaves and wild mint leaves. Caffeine boosts metabolism while amino acids help maintain muscles and is vital for protein production.

Price: Ranges between &24.94 and $29.00


Ingredients and How They Work?

Avesil consists of green tea extract, super citrimax, caffeine and chromium. These ingredients work together to boost the body's fat burning process while releasing stored fat, reducing appetite and increasing energy. Other ingredients are Calcium and Potassium, which are vital to help the body function more effectively.

Price: $89.95 per bottle


Ingredients and how it Works?

Dietrine contains;
An exclusive natural ingredient known as Phase 2. Extracted from white kidney beans, it allows carbs to pass through the body with fewer intakes of calories. It assists in neutralizing the effect of the digestive enzyme - alpha amylase - before it can breakdown starch into glucose and fats. Dietrine allows body to cut off surplus calories instead of absorbing them
Chromium maintains blood sugar level and is a fat carrier. It helps promote the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins & fats through insulin. Chromium also improves heart health and regulates blood sugar levels.
Vanadium is vital for cellular metabolism and creation of bones and teeth. It restrains cholesterol production and assists in growth and reproduction roles of the body. It results in improved glucose tolerance through improved insulin utilization.

Price: One bottle costs $49.95 for a month's supply

Green Coffee Bean Max

Ingredients and how it Works?

GCB MAX is a safe weight loss supplement that is formed by natural ingredients and gives you visible results.
It helps in the improvement of body's metabolism and stabilizes the level of blood sugars.
One of its important ingredients is the extract of green coffee bean, a renowned element that is gradually becoming very effective in the field of weight loss.
GCB contains a high level of chlorogenic acid as compared to regular coffee beans that are roasted. Chlorogenic acid has a lot of health benefits e.g. weight loss, diabetes and heart problems.

Price: It costs $32.99 per bottle.


Ingredients and how it Works?

Phen375 is a safe weight loss supplement to use, which burns the fat quicker as compared to other supplements. It helps you reduce the food cravings. Ingredients involve;
Trimethyxanthin, which helps you lose weight while giving you a boost of energy.
L-Carnitine, burns the stored fat in your body and gives you an extra amount of energy.
Dimethlpentylamine hydrochloride - ingredient that speed up the metabolic rate in order to burn more fat.

Price: A units cost $26.25

Ezra Rogers is professional health writer who graduate of Brigham Young University. Ezra Rogers provide easy and effective ways on different topics link beauty, joint health, weight loss and many more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ezra_Rogers