For a number of soldiers, the old fall and give -me- 20 just is not enough. Instead ,fat surgery they resort to quick surgery cost " fat test . " Military
According to the AP ,fat surgery some members of the armed forces are turning to liposuction as a quick fix before the test , which can affect promotions and career opportunities in the coming years . By comparing measurements of the neck and the size of a soldier, the authorities are able to arrive at an estimate of body fat . Too excessive ,fat surgery and they send you to the "Pork Chop Squad " - large military camp. And if they fail the test twice , bad luck : being out of the army . Although there are no figures for the Navy and Air Force , the number of members of the Army stopped being overweight has increased from 168 in 2008-1815 years.fat surgery
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Cue Lipo . As a service member , even those above the surgery is sometimes suggested . " They deny it if you ask them," he told the AP .fat surgery " But they know that some people are in great shape and unfortunately only poorly constructed . " Many doctors agree and push the Pentagon to change its rules to reflect the fact that bigger does not always mean healthy.fat surgery
But the " tape test " has a great advantage :fat surgery it's cheap . At this time, there is no way to measure body fat is extremely accurate and economical for large groups and needs - adequate measures , nothing better than two tapes cost .surgery fat
Things change :surgery fat the Air Force was authorized to allow pilots who are physically fit , but do not pass the test of the tape measure again with a graph of body mass index , which compares height and fat But this is not enough . Said a fitness expert , " We're going to lay off people that could be welded two pieces of tape that incredible "surgery fat