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Gastric Seeve Complications

weetheart ! Where to begin ...... I was 5 months in the hospital due to complications with the sleeve . A leak began gone septic and hell gastric sleeve complications.... Coma - 19 days, 11 doctors , drug addicts ... twice , not eating for 51/2 months, he had to relearn to walk and talk again (trachea ) , again writing , eating again. I lost my head. My voice is deeper than it used to be ... 12 instead of 3-5 like other fears .... Punisher had a bad bed 5. The worst possible place .... 5 months after I had a nurse taking care of me every day ....gastric sleeve complications

gastric sleeve complications!!!
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complications gastric sleeve The thing is gone .. And what happens to ... I'm so happy to have had no sleeve complications .. I gave my life .. Some a slow start ... but I am very happy to be here and to finally live instead of exist!

Chin up .. stay strong .... this will be the case ! Tell me when you feel discouraged