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Liquid Diet Weight Loss - Learn The Dangers To Do It Properly

Asian women have used liquid diet weight loss methods for many years to slim down quickly, even just after having a baby. Today we're going to look at some of the hazards and dangers you'll want to avoid while on a liquid diet for weight loss, and how you can increase the fat-burning potential of the process dramatically.

Liquid Diet Weight Loss - The Skinny Asian Way

Now you're not going to learn ALL of the tricks and tips Asian women use to get their petite waistlines in just a single short article. But you CAN pick up some liquid diet weight loss suggestions that will get you on the road to the body you deserve without suffering. That process starts with learning one of the most important recipes our family has for weight loss:

The Cheng Fat-Burner Family Recipe

You need to provide your body with the right nutrition when on a liquid diet weight loss plan so as not to do any damage to your immune system, major organs, or brain.

To do this you'll want main ingredients that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which can clear free-radicals from your body quickly. Here's an example of a great liquid meal replacement that's been in my Chinese family for years and works fantastically for weight loss goals:

Cheng Fat-Burner Family Soup Recipe


3/4 head of cabbage (cut up, cleaned

2 carrots (peeled with thinner slices)

3 green peppers (de-seed, cut into small pieces)

1 package variety soup mix (pick you favorite low-sodium packet)

5 green onions (large, cut into pieces)

2 cans of tomatoes (dice)

1/2 package of mushrooms (sliced)

1 cube of bouillon (good for taste)

A small pinch garlic powder


Clean all veggies, cut and prep. Saute green onions fully. Mix in carrots, cabbage, mushroom, tomatoes, green peppers and bouillon. Pour 9 cups of water in the mix and bring to a boiling. Cover with a lid and reduce heat to low. Use the soup mix according to the directions as printed. Cook the soup for about 2 hours and season with salt, pepper and any spices you may like. That's it!

A Warning About What Can Go Wrong

When attempting any liquid diet weight loss plan you've got to understand that your margin for mistake is low...meaning you can't skip a single liquid meal, you must take a daily multi-vitamin, and you have to monitor how you're feeling very closely. If for some reason you feel light-headed, or dizzy, you need to get yourself some solid foods and stop whatever liquid diet weight loss plan you're on.

Always be safe and take action immediately if your system feels a bit "off", I always have my students in my weight-loss classes notify me if anything ever comes up when they're on my liquid diet weight loss program and you should pay attention to your body closely.

What If You Still Can't Lose Any Weight?

If a liquid diet still doesn't have you making any progress towards getting the sexy and lean body you desire you'll want to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...without starving or doing crazy workouts.

This solution works fast and is very simple, the full details on how to do it are in the free report here: beyond liquid weight loss diets. I actually do it myself while relaxing on the couch watching TV, and it works amazingly well.

Click on the link and learn the trick yourself before it's gone: http://www.skinnyasiandiet.com/free-book.htm

Love and good health always,

Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Catherine_Cheng