We will focus on how to make the most affordable weight loss - That
means I 'll share tips on food shopping , cooking more meals , find
deals on gym memberships , how to buy coupons bulk
or use to reduce their food bills , etc. There are many things to share
and I intend to share a tip every day on our blog and Facebook page .
How can you participate ? -
I ask that you visit our blog, our online community and our Facebook
page to share their tips, tricks and suggestions with other sistas BWLW .
I ask you to commit to at least share a great end of the week .
2) Exercise challenge : I challenge everyone to add 30 minutes to 1 hour walk cardio exercise 3-4 days per week . For those who have begun to walk, you can switch to running or jogging as their goal. If
you regularly walk or run for 30 minutes or more, I challenge you to
speed up the intensity , add more time or transition from walking to
running / jogging for the challenge .
How can you participate ? - You need to determine what works for you in terms of walking or running 3-4 days a week for at least 30 minutes.
If time is an issue to take to the streets to make your workout , use a treadmill . You can also walk / run / jog in place at home as an option.
On the walk home : Leslie Sansone Walk Away the DVD training books are an excellent choice if you want to exercise at home .
suggest you also invest in a pedometer and tracking fitness so that you
can track things like distance and the amount of steps you take .
There are many walking and running programs there. These are the two programs, I suggest you check the performance of our challenge in October :
Couch to 5K - This is one of the most popular training plans online and the best thing is that it's free. The purpose of this workout routine is to spend walking to running a 5K .
I suggest this plan for those starting out in their efforts to lose
weight time Mayo Road : A realistic for those who are starting up . This is a good exercise plan to help you work through intense exercise.