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Lower Abdominal Exercises Secrets

Have you been doing lower abdominal exercises with little effect? Well don't be disheartened; the lower abdominal muscles are often the most difficult area of stomach development. However with a few tips I will show you exactly how to tackle this common problem area.

Now, although there are specific lower abdominals exercises to develop that region, you should be aware that the entire sets of abdominal muscles are just that; a single set of stomach muscles. When you work out the upper abs you are still working out the lower abs and vice versa. Stubborn belly fat tends to be very difficult to shift from the lower section of your stomach muscles. Keep in mind that the more you decrease your total body-fat percentage the more defined your lower abs will become.

Your abs muscles are also affected by the different types of fat in your body. Subcutaneous fat, which lies just behind the surface of the skin, is the type of fat that you may lower through your weights and high-intensity workouts. However, visceral fat (organ fat) must be reduced through cardio sessions. Long steady-state runs have proven to be most effective in tackling this type of fat.

Poor core development is also thought to affect the appearance of your lower abs. Despite the lower abdominal exercises targeting the full set of stomach muscles there are particular exercises to strengthen and sharpen up the definition of your lower abs. However, do not become confused by the apparent contradiction. By using specific lower abdominal exercises you are simply shifting the intensity of your workouts to the lower part of your stomach.

The types of exercises you will find helpful are stability ball crunches, reverse curls, roman chair leg raises and hanging leg raises. Including core stability work and abdominal vacuums will also work on the deeper stomach muscles which also support your back and tighten the lower area of your abs.

The total development of your abdominal muscles relies on choosing effective exercises and reducing and maintaining your body-fat percentage at a low level. These are important strategies in achieving your goal of optimal abdominal development and getting your lower abs to look as defined as the rest of your stomach muscles.

Here's to your success and realizing your dreams and to start developing those lower abdominals. One thing most people haven't heard about is the inguinal ligaments which is the v-shape in the lower region and is the holy grail of six packs.

If you would like to discover some more great information on developing great abs and also how to lose belly fat and get a great physique, follow the link at the end of this and also get my free 48 page nutritional guide full of some great fat burning facts. http://www.lovesexyabs.com/optinez.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sebastian_Turrichi