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Physical Activity and Exercise

Physical activity provides mental wellness, reduce stress, anxiety, sadness, and yet creates confidence. In other words, not only good for your body but also your mind. When you exercise, your brain releases hormones, serotonin is the "feel good" hormone that gives us a boost after any exercise.
Some benefits of physical activity
• Sleep better
• You can be social
• Fun activities increase happiness
• Reduce stress and stress
• It helps to clear your mind and think more easily
How much exercise should I do?
For most adults, 30 minutes a day, five days a week of moderate exercise is recommended. This is just at the lower end, you do not have to limit yourself to that. You do not have to do it all at once, or spread between five days. Do what sounds good to you, what makes you feel good about yourself.
A moderate pace should make you feel warmer, but not necessarily make you sweat. You should also know that makes breathing come faster, but it leaves you breathless. When walking at a moderate pace, you should still be able to hold a conversation.
Suggestions to be more physically active
At home, try to wash the car instead of going through a car wash on the way home. Take your dog to run instead of a walk in the yard. You dog loves more. When it comes time to clean, running through them as properly. Run with a garbage bag and a basket of clothes, so be careful not to trip. If you have children at home, or can borrow some other children play tag, shoot hoops, or dance with them.
At work, take the time to walk during lunchtime. Walking is good for your body, and if you work in an office, you really need to get the blood moving in the legs. If you have a friend at work, if he or she wants to walk with you. In a world full of technology, we are more likely to send an e-mail or pick up the phone. Instead, walk to your colleague's office to ask questions or provide information. If you work in a building with elevator, walking down the stairs at least one part of the story.
During his free time, there are many opportunities and are not limited to the location.
Doing things like walking and running are considered bodyweight exercises - other body weight exercises include, but are not limited to, jump, jump, jumping, twisting and bending.
Obviously, some of these exercises would not be practical in a working environment, but once you have the basics in place, you can integrate these and other exercises for a training program at home.
If you enjoy social interaction, participation in a course where you can meet people. When shopping, do not waste time looking for a place near the store on foot. If you love the water, go to the beach, lake or pool and have some fun. Swimming is a great exercise for everyone. You can also join a local or at work. Softball teams and bowling are a good way to meet new people and stay in touch with your friends while exercising.