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Top 10 Holiday Weight Gain Strategies!

IMPORTANT! This information is solely for humor! Do not attempt these strategies unless you really want.
As a personal trainer, I always like to see people put on as much weight as possible before New Year's resolution season. This gives me more to work when they come for me to lose. :)
If you are dangerously inadequate This holiday season, fear not, help is weighing! These tips will help you maximize your assets as much as possible in the little time you have.
1. Siesta after every meal
This includes breakfast. This is a favorite trick sumo wrestler. The idea is to eat as much as possible and then go to sleep, a time when your body does not use much more energy and tend to store food as fat. Turkey and milk for dessert accomplish this will help you if you are not tired enough.
Dos. Follow-fat meal with a sweet dessert
What is the best way to ensure that fatty foods is not lost by burning? Eat 12 sugar cookies! The sugar will help increase insulin levels, helping to push the fat directly into fat cells where it will be safe.
Three. Stay away from vegetables
The vegetables are high in fiber and make you feel too full to eat quite late. Even a good, rich immersion will not be able to adequately compensate for this problem. If you like the taste of diving, except for the chips. Fleas are not only have more calories, having the form of balls over vegetable and'll rebound able to obtain chips.
April. The sauce is the fifth food group
To really maximize your weight, food pyramid should be floating on a lake of sauce. Gravy is loaded with invigorating energy as fat and cornstarch (a marvelous high-glycemic sugar that help right RAM fat in the hips).
May Reduce the "Running Around Town" Levels
This is especially true when buying gifts. They burn a lot of calories trying to fight the crowds at the mall to make you gain weight effectively. Hire the neighborhood kids looking for things for you or rent a golf cart. If you must walk around when shopping, be sure to stop at the food court or pretzel stand every half hour to refuel.
Drinking alcohol June Late At Night
Only do this if you are of age, of course, never drink and drive. Drinking is one of the best ways to increase your body mass unlean there. Each gram of alcohol contains 7 calories per gram instead WIMPs 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate regulation. Besides this, the mind has the added benefit of your fat burning hormones. And all this is done at night when your metabolism is at its lowest point ... What could be better?
Julio. Skipping breakfast, a light lunch and dinner dish
By skipping breakfast and depriving your body of fuel, help you slow down your metabolism early in the day that would normally be at its best. This will help establish its expansion plans!
Light lunch should consist primarily of sugary foods to help shoot your blood sugar and then fall. This will help you feel more hungry when you sit down to the great feast of the day.
If dinner of fatty meats, sauces, lots of butter, eggnog, cookies and anything fried. If you have a salad, except the last time you are done with your selections with more calories. And do not forget to cover with enough dressing so you can not tell what color the food you eat.
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The exercise only burn precious calories. This will help you build muscle mass also, Quebec is a no-no if you want to put on as much fat as possible. Muscle burn those precious calories you've worked so hard all day.
9. Do not leave the table
A good strategy for gaining weight is to park at the table every day. Let someone else clean up the breakfast dishes, appetizers waiting to be served, since shortly after the meal in the details, relax and take a nap (if you have planned ahead and shot a chair at the table), then , wake up in time for dinner. This will result in gluttony lethargy positive rate.
10. Christmas Santa Racket
Tell your children to leave milk and cookies for Santa. When they go to bed, drink milk, eat cookies and leave a gift under the tree. Wake up to your kids about Santa brought only present and if they want another, should give more milk and cookies. He sent them to bed. Drinking milk and eating cookies. Repeat.
The bonus part of this strategy is that their children are so tired by the time you are finished, you may let you sleep in a quarter of an hour more than what you would regularly!